
I think I must undergo another adenoidectomy. my slight sleep apnea is keeping me for a good night's rest. I have to go through another slight voice change. an alternative would be to have a breathe right strip welded onto my nose.


kentucky derby jockey with a breathe right strip

I can't find shit on tropiburger, the search continues. I'll keep you updated.

mama cass


slap me silly and call me susan...fuck=fornication under consent of king.

king jaffy jaffa
ruler of samunda

aggies still hiring aggies...

I got a new name for button-less fly boxers: noose boxers. now my lil' elvis knows what it feels like to be a dog being leash trained. choke collars are very horrible, horrible things.

this is horible peter,

samir nayeenanajar


fuckin' a

the mere thought of being in tempe next january just wets my lips. next year's big doce championship game will be in my backyard. I need college football like the crops need the rain.

hook 'em

today's episode is brought to you by tat.

shhhh...can you hear it? something awesome skanking around the corner? los muchachos con la carne mas sabrosa are working hard to bring you a site that will address all your needs. it's coming.

I'm too tired to post, to work, to just sit here. getting home at 4:40am last night will do that to you. a trip that normally takes 2:15 hours was streched into a 4 hour long odyssey. I actually had fun being stranded on the side of the highway. I'm glad our rio had the smarts to suggest we call the sheriff's dept. before we got too far away from the 'hoe. otherwise, our "two miles tops" walk to get gas would have turned into a 7.6 mile trek. and at this time we'd still be walking. who ever said mirages only occur in the desert during the day is full of shit.

joe chimpo

p.s. super trooper is a stoner movie "think piece". speaking of "think pieces" I would like to obtain a copy of the piece I left on sally/mandy/kathy's book.


I don't know why I even bother sometimes. I pack some clothes, I make arrangements to stay at someone's house. and it then all goes to shit. so here I am back at almonte's. wearing the same shit I wore last night. and in bad need to a shower. I probably won't do anything to ameliorate my current state of hygene. we'll continue to drink, we'll continue to lay on our collective lazy asses and then we'll drive our happy arses back to the bayou city.
It was good to see my friend "bowhunter" aka. ted nugent out with us last night. I hear he's concentrating on ferral hogs as of late. they, like piranhas, are very tricky species. like pinkos (communists) they have no respect for private properties, and other people's belongings. even after having a couple of shots "fired across their bow".

say a prayer for surf boy, where he is,

grover cleveland society for the performing arts


oh man...why is it that when you plan on not getting drunk, you end up completely blitzed? last night I told myself I would only drink 3 beers tops. I drank that multiplied by 5. walked out of the bar in not so good shape. and we drove to this mexican joint that serve you beers after hours if you "ask" them nicely. I don't know why we do that, we are already in pretty bad shape WHEN we get there, there is no deed to add to the debauchery.
if you really want a driving challenge, I recommend you try the parking garage at the rice lofts. now try maneuvering it drunk. I turned this corner, and I swear I had to do an austin powers for about five minutes to finally get out of my jam.

cruise control is a life saver,

rhode heed

p.s. menudo is not just ricky martin's former band, it is also a tasty treat.


if it doesn't fit, you must aquit...you think o.j. got away with murder? ticketbastard gets away with it every day. I just paid a convenience fee of $6.23 on a $15 ducat. that's a 41.5% pounding in the ass.

thoughts arise like butterflies...,



note to self: next time you sneak heinekens into the movie theater make sure you have a bottle opener.

we are some movie watching fools. after the game we decided to watch yet another movie. we sorta felt cheated because we only had enough time to watch part of crossroads before our flick started. we tried to down some braus in the parking lot, but we didn't have a bottle opener. you would think that a guy who keeps a party tent and an authetic african bow and row in the back of his car, along with assorted trash and junk, would have one. no such luck. do what do we do? we decide to take them inside with us.
as soon as we sat in the front aisle of britney's film debut. I started trying to pry my bottle cap off, much like an otter's deperate attempt to crack over a tasty mollusk. I lost. sorry, tinseltown I ruined the arm rest. oh well. after 15 minutes of movie torture we moved onto the movie we really paid to see. we gathered our green bottled friends into a fleece and very carefully exited the theater. right as we were about to open the door to screen 18 one of them slipped off and crashed on the floor. 1 down 3 to go. some guy saw our handy work and offered us a bottle opener from his key chain. well, turns out he was only carrying his valet set of keys. what kinda fuckin' guy carries around a valet set of keys? only girls do that.
next, my friend almost broke his hand trying to tap one open, and I smashed my nail when the bottle slipped and I accidentally hit the concrete. I then propped one up against the edge of one of the steps as my friend kicked down on them. the first one was opened without a hitch. and we proceeded to decapitate the next two. first of the two completely blew up in my hands, the bottle was useless. we hid the evidence. but not before all 6 or 9 people there caught a whiff of eua du pilsner. the next one had a near clean break. I had to drink that one, and risk cutting the shit out of my lips. why did I get stuck with the bum bottle? I paid for the road sodas and I was the one who smuggled them in. life is not fair folks. I hope I didn't swallow a shard of broken glass. I started thinking that last night, and now I'm imagining things. my gut is making some funny sounds. maybe I should get an x-ray. ouch, there it goes again!



dear doc,

you should have called 1-800-BAAAAHHHH. we would have saved you a seat.


ken venturi, eddie george's mom, wade boggs, patty in modesto, jenna bush, rudy t, and ted kennedy

bourbon is my archnemesis. but I love it so much. oh what's a boy to do?



oh fuck me! I left my cooler in the back of my friend's car. I meant to get it back tonight. I saw it, I touched it, but I didn't grab it. sorta like being in the champagne room at treasure's. well its not like we won't be hanging out tomorrow.

rue bourbon is not a bad name for a whiskey, dude. neither is puta de la calle for a tequila.


simpson's quote: "zee goggles! they do nozeeng!"
singer: peter yorn
wish: you were here

isn't it funny how once you learn about something, that something starts popping up everywhere? we got these new toilets at work and they are by far the coolest toilets around. I made a remark of how we should have gotten the ones that have a sensor on the wall so you don't have to kick flush it (I never touch the handles here or lift the seat, I always use my feet). turns out these toilettrons we got have a special button to dispose liquid waste; since when have I been so pc? okay piss. it uses only 1/3 of the water as a regular flush. this is part of my company's attempt to comply with this voluntary energy star campaign. I thought energy star was a feauture you got with your computer monitor. no,it turns out it this whole program that encourages people to save energy. now they've reset the light motion sensors to about 3 minutes, so if I don't move my lights go out. pretty funny.
I once lived with a guy who was anti-energy star. you could say he was bizarro energy star. he always left everything on. and he wondered why his light bulbs didn't last as long as mine.

pretty pretty pain cave,

wayne and garth


pbs...I watched a whole show about toilets. who knew they would be so interesting? if I were a hydrodynamics expert I would definately want to work for kohler. you get paid to flush stuff down toilets all day. I have a new found respect for the commode.

don't nobody go in there for another thirty-five*, forty-five minutes,

craig's dad


I know you are out there. I don't know where you live or what you look like. I only have a name. but, know this. when I see you I'm going to crack your head. what you did last night is going to cost you at least 2 teeth off your grill.

I must crush you,

ivan drago

this is for someone; you know wH.o you A.re

"mi corazon late por ti..."

no quiero hacerte sufir,

la ley de murphy


holy spam cans batman! the new mexican is back. merr, I missed you.

boy wonder

somebody told the aggies that their new recruits expected a lot of pussy. so their mad scientists went to work and started cloning cats. poor aggies.

dr. moreau

Wowie! You are Redensek! You are techy yet cute, and pretty much all around cool. Everyone loves you! You're fun, popular, and can mold yourself to fit right in to any situation.


bad posture...I need to be more careful of how I sleep. last night I passed out limp wristed like a praying mantis. now, my left arm is all messed up. well at least I didn't have to twist myself like a romanian gymnaist to sleep on a love seat.

bela karoli


I'm a steve elkington incarnate. not only is he just "big time". he loves UT sports. and likes to cuss, drink, gamble, and raise hell. he's by far my favorite jungle celebrity. I encourage you to listen to his stories. you just have to check your local jungle listings to see when he's going to be on. he's well worth it. speaking of...I need to see "cat" this weekend, mate.

sheila take a bow,

the smiths

in colombia there are many mansions sitting vacant. these homes used to belong to drug lords, and the government is giving them away. for free. the problem is, nobody will move in for fear of retaliatory bullshit. I predict we will see a similar mass exodus here in my hometown when the feds start hunting for enron execs. I just wish that one of them is kind enough to leave me their keys. I'm not afraid of relataliation, hell the worse it could happen is having to deal with getting egged by a former employee. I can deal with that.
my plan is to get a phat pad, and gain notoriety in order to be featured on mtv cribs. maybe parlay that into an invite to a playboy mansion party.

fred durst


mijo! the rrrrrrent is due

almost lost my phone last night because I had to pee so bad. it fell out when I got out of the car to piss in this median. I got home and I had to back track to find it. wheew.

note to self: next time you are pissing, make sure those headlights really do belong to a cop car. otherwise, take your time finishing and don't piss on the run.

the phantom pisser


I hate cops who get on the highway and purposely drive 10 mph bellow the posted speed limit. then you get a ton of people who slow down and follow suit. don't they realize you can't get pulled over for driving at the speed limit?...pussies.

racer x

fat city...so it turns out I live in america's most unfit city, for the second year in a row. a couple of weeks ago the editors for men's health, the geniuses who bring you "killer abs in 10 days" and "make her beg for more", bestowed this title on my hometown. now everyone is making a big fuss about it. our simean mayor even invited jared fogle to town. the subway spokesman is supposed to encourage us to shed a few pounds and that tittle.
who cares what that mag says anyway? have you read this magazine? every issue is the same. everyone is walking around with a spare tire around their waist. and certainly nobody is begging for nothing.
the last thing we need is for everyone to go on a diet. it would wreck the city financially. houston has the most restaurants per capita. think of all the repercussions that would take place if all houstonians would skip a meal. the city cannot afford to be fit. restaurants would close down. cooks, waiters, hostess, valet drivers would all lose their jobs. supermarkets would shut down. and movie theaters would have to hike their prices.
gyms would be next to go. fat people love to join health clubs. they don't actually like to go, but they join like crazy. in fact, you can tell when a gym is succesfull...its empty.
there's only one thing I admire about jared. he's turned eating plain subway sandwiches (hold the mayo, no cheese, on wheat) into a career. his occupation: used to be fat.
I think bill cosby put it best "I remember the days before cholesterol you'd come home from the restaurant, and you'd be able to see through the brown paper bag. back then people died happy, with grease dripping out of their mouths"

well at least they are not taking about enron as much,

arthur andersen


I think most people get some magazines for the wrong reason. for example, take national geographics. my grandfather has an extensive collection. and I know, he doesn't get them to read about the leper colony in india, or the rosetta stone. these were my fist exposure to prown, if you will. I was told that in the olden days boys used to save ng's, because they had pictures of topless native women in them. now that is pretty desperate. I remember seeing one picture where this lady had her floppy boob flung over her shoulder so her infant on her back could nurse. definitely not a turn on. then again some people are into "water sports" and bukake.

larry flint


sign that apocalypse is upon us: late '80s mall tour sensation tiffany will be posing for playboy.

last night we determined that the wed. 11pm-6am is the 'tard shift at ihop. our host was a former crackhead. he was wearing mardi gras beads. I give him props for sitting us in the "playaz section". our waiter never showed up. and the lady who brought us our food had this rag tag bandaid, which had bleed through, on her right index finger. I'm sure it was just a cloth napkin she fashioned into a wound dressing of sorts. I could not take my eyes off it. sick. you know how if you are playing sports they make you sit out if you get cut? same principle should apply to people who handle your food.

freddy kruger


I think 'zo booker got entirely too much air time on sports center. I hope he lives up to all the hype he's created.


ron powlus

signing day

I just faxed coach mack brown my letter of intent, letting him know that I will be playing for the longhorns. I'm extremely happy with my decision and we are on the verge of something great up in Austin.

GTT*...hook 'em

*Gone To Texas


dumbass...I just spent a good 69 seconds looking for the recycle bin* on my desktop. why did it have to be moved to the lower right hand corner when I upgraded to winxp? I found it by doing a search for it. talk about lazy. speaking of laziness, I've given up on wearing a watch. its been in my golf bag well over a week. I'm just going to rely on asking people for the time.

cool ethan

*I like it much better when it used to be called a trash can...fuck it dude let's go bowling.


the quote of the weekend prize goes to: sto

"I'd drag my balls across broken glass just to hear her piss in a bucket over the phone"

no price for you, you still have to buy me lunch this week.

playaz stay up,

guy in a six fo' on Don't Be a Menace...


partied balls last night...I'm going back to the galant knight, tha's fo' sho'. I felt like a girl; getting drinks for free. our bar tab was only $10. surely we drank 6 or 9 times as much. funny thing was the ladies behind the bar kept putting my drinks on "my tab". I didn't even lay the plastic down, joke's on them.

we had so much shit left over from p.f. chang's, it was good. I think I ordered mushu pork, I don't remember eating pork at all, I don't know why I ordered it. hell, I was 3 sheets to the wind. I came back wearing someone's watch, if you are missing it let me know.

girl next to me at the bistro: I wonder what kind of sushi they sell here.
me: *thinking*dumbass...
me: this is a chinese place, sushi is japanese

last night I promised to buy omaha steaks for the super bowel party. I got news for y'all: I'm not moving from here for a while. how about you just come pick me up, or just take my wallet. I like my steak medium rare. red wine? no, thanks...I'd rather have a beer.

beer before liquor, never been sicker...hahaha


so I didn't end up doing shit last night. if you were supposed to be my wingman and pussed out, it was your fault. all I have to say is that these babies wanted to party, thanks mikey.
I learned from a neighbor that there is a local store that sells all the gizmos you see on tv infomercials. i've been told that here you'll find every useless, screwball product that you absolutely don't need but simply must have. now I don't have to wait four to six weeks, plus $5.95 shipping and handling, to get my hands on the pocket fisherman. I can't begin to tell you how many times in college I would crawl home from a night out on the town and being duped into buying an overpriced trinket by that guy who hawked the paint stick. I loved infomercial products. I found them irresistible. I'd bought so much stuff over the phone that I practically had my visa number memorized.
my morning after ritual consisted of checking my purchases and bar tabs online the next day. and then finding a charge for 99.95 to ronco. oh boy, I returned to much of that shit. the funny thing was they would cancel my order and then they would try to sell me something else. no I'm not interested in a flow bee.

set it and forget it,

ron popeil

my girls have called and I must honor them with my presence. I must give them my unfathomable force of love, or forever they will be saddened. t-minus 2 hours.

if you don't swing, don't ring,



this is what people do when there is a lack of motivation to work. for the past hour I've been chugging water like an underweight piggy at the state fair right before weigh-in.

1. determined the time after flushing the john until the water goes down the hole.

2. determined the average ETFP for myself (estimated time finished peeing).

3. peed and successfully flushed the john at the precise time so that the water went down the hole just after I finished.

imagine my satisfaction when I was successful and the only consequence to failure is that I had to flush again. most importantly, who knows when they may need such a valuable skill?

I wouldn't say I've been "missing" it bob,

peter gibbons

oh snap!...tomorrow is 02.02.02; that's a palindrome for you sports fans keeping score at home.

don't hate the player, hate the game,

stuart scott