
meeting girls is easy

though the nights are immeasurably different, days in houston aren't all that different than days in austin when I was at school. I casually roll out of the rack, get ready to face the day, and pretend that I'm actually doing something important/productive (i.e. going to class to not pay attention::going to work to pretend to work), occasionally taking a break to check my email or shove some form of sustenance in my face. the only difference is that, according to dr. neil frank, h-town is officially hotter than ryan reynold's testicles. thus, my immobility in houston is dictated by the heat, while my immobility in austin was controlled by my status as one of the ten laziest ass clowns in the united states. maybe I should move so I can feel better about myself. for I'm feeling very undude in this city. too much shit going on around me, my presence being requested in too many places at once...I am but only one man.

last night, I finally decided to pry myself off the couch and venture out into the evening. the plan was to shoot the shit, low-key style. the powers that be decided to throw me for a loop. intially, I wasn't too thrilled about the prospect of having to roll into a pseudo-mexican restaurant sporting flip-flops and a wrinkled shirt.

this did not, however, keep me from tucking in my shirt and going out last night. beautiful babies that want to party wait for no man, appropriate attire or no.

my goal for the evening was to behave and not make a fool out of myself. and then maybe, just maybe, lure one or two of the ladies back to my den of iniquity. I don't know if you could still call them ladies after they cross my threshold. this involved much time being quiet and dropping a sympathy chuckle here and there. it's just as well though. I wasn't too much into drinking.

we got promptly booted out of this joint, because we started popping all the ballons and the girls were giving the pinata a full rectal exam. the skirts still wanted to party. the obvious solution was to hit one of several thousand strip clubs in the greater houston area, but somehow, I resisted and didn't voice my suggestion. apparently the lure of comically large saline tiggies isn't enough to pull me away from the prospect of getting to know a girl well the first time I met her.

I know. I'm disappointed in myself too...someone suggested we go to a pub

seeing as how I am lucky enough to be both cheap and terminally lameass, a drunkfest seemed to be a bigger draw for me than snorting coke off a stripper's big fake bosom.

seeing as how I shun what most dudes consider to be the pinnacle of the houston experience for a pint glass full of oat soda, I think I can officially give up all hope that I might someday become a badass.

if I can't be a badass in the general sense, I figured I might as well be a badass in the field of turning a fistfull of quarters into sweet tunes blasted by the jukebox. and whooing ladies with my exquisite taste in music. mission accomplished. my work here is done.

sponge bob

you seem to lack focus

my neck is very sore, and for once, it's not from all the cunnilingus. my neck is sore from spazzing out at bar last night. a sore neck is always a sign of a good evening. another one was getting home at 3:30am.

even though I got a fairly decent amount of sleep last night, I've been out of it all day. the first time I got out of bed this morning, I forgot where I was going...twice.

I have one more day of partying tonight and then I'm sleeping long enough to bring a child to term. I need my beautysleep.

I've spent most of the morning being productive. this, my friends, is too much. it would take superhuman concentration to be able to actually focus for this entire period of time. being a regular ol' dumb guy, I spent a good deal of my day daydreaming and generally amusing myself with my own thoughts. here are a couple things I thought about:

1. where is warren g these days? the warren to tha g needs to make a comeback. it would be even sweeter if he made a comeback with kenny g. it could be a media event as they had a press conference to tell the public that they are actually brothers and at the next useless awards show, they will combine mysogynistic gangsta rap and smooth dentist office saxophone sounds as they cover 'it's a family affair'

2. I wonder if I'd be happier if I were dumber.

3. whenever I sit next to girls, I get an odd compulsion to put my arm around them, regardless of whether I know them or not. sometimes without thinking, I start to until I realize what I'm doing and jerk my arm back. I wonder what would happen if I did put my arm around a complete stranger. I wonder what would happen if I just put my tongue in her mouth. last night, as sto would say, I came within a cunt hair of finding out.

she'd probably totally like it, because, come on. it's me we're talking about here.


shock and horror! stan actually went out last night. I kid I kid. but last night I showed up at sto's wearing flip flops totally not planning to 'see and be seen'. he informed me otherwise, and I almost didn't go. I said almost. but I'm very glad I did. I'll refrain from showering you with further details for fear that I might give away my MO. but tonight that whole group I kicked it with last night is meeting up again. and the digi is tagging along. good times will be had by all at frat boy night.

in other news, tonight is kristen dunst's bday. what is it with so many kristens being born in late april? should god decide to bless me with a daughter born in late april, it would only be fair that I too name her kristen. anyway, so today is k. dunst's 20-something bday. I should bake her a cake and stalk her for a while.


p.s. I hear that the gold digging chick from joe millionaire is on this month's playboy. seeing that I don't have a subscription and that I'm a cheap bastard, could a reader graciously email me scans of her pictorial? thanks in advance.


call me 'nelly'

this would be the 'repeat' portion of the wash-rinse-repeat weekly cycle. I can feel the tingling.

as I was grooming my mug this morning, I accidentally removed a vital piece of my neck. bleeding profusely first thing in the morning is a good way to get in a positive frame of mind. the bleeding was so bad that I had to wear a band aid. I decided immediately to just tell people that a pimp roughed me up for stiffing a hooker (in more ways than one) and I hit my chin on the curb. somehow that's less embarassing than telling someone that my experiment with shaving in the dark failed.

women like character,
'neck in the chevy truck commercial


growing old...

because I'm old and there ain't shit-all to do after dark in houston on sunday nights, I went to sleep directly after watching family guy. I somehow managed to get to sleep before 1:45am for four consecutive days. I deserve a medal or a scoop of ice cream.

or at least some depends adult undergarments.

I like dating younger (ole miss) women,


at stanville we don't rebuild, we reload...

I have stayed away from the moviehouse for far too long. the time as come again for me to make my grandiose return. what better time than when the matrix reloaded is released? I get to watch one of the year's most anticipated movies, along with my usual 2-3 freebies.

not to mention that few things make my pants crazy like the site of a 69 foot tall all leather clad carrie-anne moss.

she's smart and sexy.

there are a few women whom I'd instantly agree to marry if asked solely based on talent, ability or whatever persona I've managed to develop for them. c-am is one of them. in my fantasy, I go to a screening, she singles me out, proposes, we dash of to vegas, get married, she uses her pull to get me a screenplay deal and we produce one or two genius children somewhere down the road.

also in this fantasy, I have rippling abs, perfectly arched feet and a pet monkey. reality can smoke it.

in other news, I spent yesterday tooling around town with my dad. ate dinner, visited with the fam. went out for one beer, O N E. came home, and passed out by 12:45am. I love the nightife. I like to boogie.

capt. backfire


hold the presses

quick! someone call the caribbean queen crooner and inform him that he needs to pen a song about me. it seems that I'm now making frequent r.e.m apperances...

get outta my dreams, and into my car,
billy ocean


don't piss the stan off or he will exact horrifying revenge.

f the bunker hill/piney point/hedwig village police
f old ladies that drive slow and hold up traffic
f deraged peacocks that go after you for no reason
f foley's cashiers that insist on applying for a foley's card
f milfs, they are all punishers

but not really, though. I will probably just say nasty things under my breath and not do anything.

but you will feel the wrath of my bad thoughts!

okay, I'm capping this entry right here. stayed up way late last night and I woke up super early and I don't have anything to say.

sup fresh, its our turn baby

'think you want to ride around in a limo, attend all these conferences and receptions, stay at the houstonian for the next two weeks?' I was asked last week.

before a response can even be uttered...the all too familiar melody starts playing in my head before the following lyrics kick in:

gaaaaator booooots, with the pimped out gucci suits

god I need help. yet, I still manage to stay fly.

numbah one stunna


what is it...

with me and girls named erin?

erin c., eem, erin brockovich, et al.

I must have an inate attraction to any girl named erin within a 690 mile radius. this morning I learned that my surgeon's assistant is named erin, go figure. no wonder I asked her out, he he he. to be continued...you gotta hear the story about this run-in I had with a peacock before my appointment, classic. but right now I have to work.

excuse miss, what's your name?


hey mister, guess what I had for breakfast?


scotty likes beans, dontcha scotty?

I had a nice helping of beans for lunch. yumm. I can just feel the iron, niacin, pimpsin and vitamins 6 and 9 pulsating through my veins as we speak. nutrients which I desperately need to replenish the gallons of blood lost after being the main course at the annual banquet of the buffalo bayou wetlands mosquito society last night. however, the skeeter feast pales in comparison to the number those damn fireants later did on my feet. the genius that recomends you poison anthropods after dark because they are inactive needs to be taken out back and shot.

I feel like telling a story, sit down, relax...

after I let truman urinate and defecate we started the dreaded walk home. I felt like mixing it up last night, so we took an alternate route back. when we turned this corner I heard a faint dripping sound in the distance. that's when I noticed it. someone's disguided sprinkler was spraying water all over the street. hmm, when did that happen? I walk past here at least twice a week, around the same time and the sprinklers had never been on. wait, why hasn't the owner fixed this? in a flash I remembered all the road work that's going on in the area. maybe a delivery truck ran over the head and unintentionally turned it away from its intended spot. the fresh tracks were a dead give away.

it made me mad. the man is out to fuckin' get us all. we must save ourselves. fuckin' comunist truckers that have no respect for private property!

ok so now what? don't get me wrong. I drink beer. I (try to) work out. I love women, loooove. but lawn sprinkler maintenance without a tool kit? c'mon, that's a bit of a stretch. last time I tried to fix my parent's sprinkler system I cut the crap out of my hand. I do a quick inventory check and I talk myself into macgyvering that sumbitch.

I have the number to memorial lawn and sprinkler in the house somewhere. I'll just give them a call. wait. no. I can't call ml&s, it's 12:30 in the morning. plus, I can't stand there and watch as another man fixes the problem right in front of me (okay, well maybe two blocks away). I can think of few things more emasculating. here is the twisted sprinkler head. and here are my testicles. I offer them both to you, because I'm such a poosay. plus ml&s deals with owners directly. this is not even my house. and I'm not a woman. a woman could totally get away with calling a handyman. hey that's it, I'll leave an anonymous note and get a girl to call ml&s, and she can stand and watch him fix the problem while I watch secretly from a window sipping on some gin and juice.

no. that's pathetic. fix the damn sprinkler you sissy. your life sucks. your dog sucks. you suck. you need to lose more weight. you wear the same three shirts over and over again. you need to fix this sprinkler. you have to fix this sprinkler.

so I did what any true dude in my situation would do. I kicked off my flip flops, neatly folded my white robe and set my beverage down. without spilling a drop. truman, the ever trusty sidekick that he is, instantly knew that his job would be to guard my belonging like the lions at the gates of babylon in case any riff raffs came looking for a cell phone and a wallet that had all but one dollar inside. and a blank check...from an often withdrawn bank account. god, I am so huuuuuge time.

I dove for that sprinkler head like a tridelt lunges for that last ranch dressing ladden pizza roll. and I wasn't going to step away until I kicked that mother back into shape. water was shooting up into my nares, it got all over my shirt, my ass, my johnson. it was at this time that I felt a million bites on my left foot. my job wasn't quite done, so I was hanging for dear life, until finally...success! I immediately stuck my foot in the water jet, and washed all those suckers off.

I limped back into the middle of the street and glanced at my mottled foot. it looked worse than jacko's ungloved hand. but at least I had done my good deed for the day.

so I walked my drenched ass home, satisfied knowing that I had saved a few precious blades of st. augustine grass. I will now dedicate myself to doing random acts of kindness. I'm going to be (and I've said this a million times) like that guy in the kung-fu movies, who just walks the earth solving problems. my plan is a fuckin' swiss watch, its beauty lies in its simplicity.

the idea is good, but I'm afraid the world isn't ready yet...

well that's like my opinion, man.

p.s. should I become striken with pneumonia from that tap water bath I took last night, you can find me hooked up to a nebulizer at the nearest e-room. f the rug pissers

chuck e. cheese is the biggest pimp this side of the buffalo bayou...

last week sometime my baby cousin was being unsually difficult. being the good chum that I am, I volunteered to take her to chuck's place for a few hours. not because I'm baby crazy, but its because the inner 'neck in me is a sucker for that truck driving game, ha.

my car was blocked in, so I stole my brah's ride.

so I put the baby chair in the backseat, and off to showbiz...err chuck e. cheeese's we go. but not before I had to break out a can of whoop ass on that pesky sun shade. you know, the one that you put up in your car widow when its hot out so your hands don't fry on the steering wheel when place them on it. as I'm attempting to fold it back up again I read the warning, and I can't believe my eyes.

PLEASE USE CAUTION WHEN OPENING: spring action may cause shade to open suddenly. Never operate your vehicle with the sunshade in the window.

this warning is needed? what the fuck? how stupid can people be? was there a fear that people might actually do this? my forks didn't come with a label telling me not to poke my eyes with them. my gillete mach 3 razor blades didn't come with a warning telling me not to swallow them (okay, seeing that I'm no where near them at this moment, I have to go check them out to make sure that my assumption is correct). they didn't need to. it's understood.

I pull into the lot and I see a disabled kid in an electric wheel chair pushing a shopping cart toward the store. he's so young. high school age probably. my heart goes out to him. how courageous to not let his disability stop him from having a normal life. I turn off my 3 6 mafia cd and take a moment to be thankful that my body has two working legs and two working arms.

I'm still thinking: how stupid can people be?

as I continue to ponder this question I see the disabled kid in his wheel chair cruising around the lot. this time he's pushing 20 shopping carts towards the store! he gets to the store, hops out of his 'wheel chair' and puts the carts back in their proper place. he works here. he's riding one of those collect-the-shopping-carts-cart.

I run into chuck's, upset that I've just answered my own question.

capt. obvious


the name of the apparatus that we were looking for last night is: nebulizer. it was the first thing that popped into my head this morning. told you it would come to me.

ok, so now go back and remember the story I was telling you last night and insert nebulizer into every blippitty blank from last night's story.

that is all,
samuel webster


beware: you are about to enter shark infested waters...

ok, so my weekend was pretty standard. this is what I envisioned my weekend to be. nothing too riverting planned until the fall, as per custom. well if you want to count hitting nola for jazzfest in two weekends, but when you've been to that city for as long and often as I have, it just becomes part of my 'hugetime' routine.

so friday...I woke up late, which was unfortunate because I was supposed to go tee it up with some friends at nine. I tried to get them to schedule the golf game later but someone got all fussy about not wanting to miss some pro game. even though I used to be attached to several professional sports teams back in the day, the concept of actually caring about that sort of thing is entirely foreign to me now. everyone that knows me well knows that I only care about the texas longhorns.

when I checked my email that morning, I had a note in my box from special k. it turns out that she was in town for the weekend for some reason (ok, easter and a bridal shower) and she wanted to hook it up. this just about made my day. I didn't have much to do that day outside of being a total dude. no plans, no work, no deadlines, no problem. finding time to catch up with her wouldn't have caused me to completely rearrange my datebook.

I was later called and informed that the other k would be joining us. talk about a double dipped cream dream.

my dad cancelled our trip to kemah. bummer. no boardwalking for this steaming pile of man meat.

I decided to make the best of it, and inserted 'bottle rocket' in the dvd player. in the middle of the movie, special k called and asked if I was still down to hung out later that night. I said that I needed her to promise not tempt me to hit the bottle (I'm on medication) before I could make a committment. we spent the next few minutes scurrying around trying to find other 'alternative' non-alcoholic centric activities to engage in case I couldn't hold out. I said if it was going to be low key I would go out. it turns out that it was going to be about as low key as you can get, so I was pretty happy.

the call came, and by this time I was reading a book. I even thought about standing them up, but I eventually folded and decided to put on my flip flops and head out.
when I got there, the girls found a spot where we could kinda sorta see the bar and the crowd. the topic of the conversation they were having really had an interesting sound. it was kind of srt (sensitive relationship talk) with a twist of gossiping blended in for a lil' kick.

the convo soon shifted to former and future roommates. I learned that k's former has very very strong stipper tendencies. one thing bothered me though: what business is a 5'01" vixen doing with pushing her already large mammaries up and together? her cleavage is about as deep as the marianna trench. can you say unsexy?. her resemblance to a 'joe millionaire' girl was so uncanny and eerie that it almost kept me from enjoying the rest of the night.

almost, I said. he he he.

saturday I drove out the country after finally getting my ass up,it was wet...didn't do much. sunday I did the standard easter stuff. sat around and watched tv.

"sometimes you have to feed the donkey. you gotta throw him some hay every once in a while before it dies from starvation"


this morning I accidentally ripped out one of my stitches...ouch,
operation board game


I'm back...

I went under the knife yesterday. they pumped enough drugs in me to knock out half a cell block, yet I walked out of the surgery room and the clinic without assistance. my doctor also wrote me a prescription for vicadin that has gone unused. I'm also supposed to be recovering for the next 3 days, but I'm walking around like a hooker on payday. god I rule.

I told you I was hardcore,

p.s. thanks for all the well wishes, especially scuba girl.



you could say that I've been kickin' it, no pun intended

who's gonna ride your wild horse?

sage advice from my 5'4" uncle...

this was said after, hmmmm, a couple or 11 bagillion beers:

..what women need is sex. constant sex. when I go out drinking with my buddies and I come home all liquored up I roll your aunt over and I [expletive] her. do that and you'll see how she greets you in the morning with a smile and breakfast in bed. sometimes, I hit the bottle too hard and I forget to service her. on those mornings she wakes me up with the *vroooom, vroooom* from the vaccum cleaner. and I wake up thinking "god damn it, I forgot to [expletive] your aunt last night"...

35+ years of marriage and 5 grandkids and counting to show for must mean 'el grande' must be doing something right.

words to live by...


coming from an undisclosed location...

yes, I've neglected this bitch like a mid-40 year old man neglects his obese wife. I've been busy damn it. oj hired me to find the real killers.

more to come later...


the weekend...

I slept in saturday and sunday morning and it felt good. I haven't lost all of my lazy bitch skillz after all.

all I had scheduled for saturday was to be at mere's at a certain time in order to leave for a bar to watch the horns lose. having like 6 or 9 hours to spare I took my cousin video camera shopping. first stop, sears...where else? we walked past that rinky dink office where I got my eyes checked two or three weeks ago.

oh the memories...

now, I've never been a big fan of doctors of any kind, unless you count my alter ego dr. pimpenstein. it's not because I'm worried about diagnosis or anything. it's mostly because I'm bad with one on one contact with strangers who give you a lollypop when all is said and done. it's even worse when my partner in conversation is poking and prodding me.

this 'doctor' was odd. but man, is she hot. she talked to me like I was either a four year old or her yellow lab. she said things like, 'where did you go to school?' I kind of chuckled a few times which is kind of bad because she wasn't making jokes and she was about to dilate my eyes. it's usually a good idea not to mock people who are going to touch your eyes. at least for me. leigh can relate as well.

even though I didn't like her manner, I liked her verdict. she said that I only had a veeeery slight prescription in my left eye. left eye, tlc....holla!. she tried to sell me some reading glasses since I told her about the unhealthy amount of time I spend in front of the computer. when she finally realized I wasn't going to give in, she tried to sell me some $14 eye drops.

the whole optometry racket is a conspiracy.

as far as the rest of the weekend went. horns lost. I got pretty sauced. went to my cousin's bday party, EVERYONE thought I was the father...again. came home, downloaded more music. played the guitar. read a magazine. received a few calls. went to bed.

rinse and repeat.



war drunk directions
war drunk dialing
war getting a number, and calling it immediately to verify that its not a fake one right in front of her face
war not even remembering what she looks like
war sneaking into a bar through the backdoor.

embarrasing quote of the night:

when explaning how I got into the bar without dropping 10 bones at the door:

'I stood by the backdoor and pretended to talk to on the phone, when someone walked out to dump some old ice, I snuck in. speaking of back entrances, when you are packing le tunacan the backdoor is always closed for repairs, if you know what I mean'.

geez...outta control I tell you.


one more thing...

I can't remember the last time that a college girl said the following:

'I can't stay up, I have an 8 o'clock and I need my sleep...'

oh well...we still ended up having a good time.

a b c!,

with my ak I'm still the thug you love to hate...

'its not every day that the horns make the final 4', 'ashley f. is coming in town this weekend', 'austin is a beautiful place to bone a lady', 's____ r____ is single again.' this is what my friends told me during this week during face to face convos or phone calls that punctuated my steamy turd of a week.

all I wanted to do with my nugget of time away from suckton, was to stay as far away as possible from this infernal town for, at the very least, a looooong weekend. having spent my entire 'vacation' holed up at home, hearing about my friends hooking up with random strange (well maybe not so random, baby arm), making preparations for the pilgrimage of horns upon the big easy, ranked somewhere between, 'stan, this is your new roommate, carrot top," and, 'I think we can get the tumor, but you're going to lose your testicles,' on the list of things I didn't want to hear.

the horns will beat suckacuse and I'll be at the championship game. I just can't make the semis.

geaux horns,
texas ex


I got the hook up, holla if you hear me

I still got it...

I'll make your neck pop back, in fact, I'll buckle your knees


would you like to learn how to dance salsa?

...so read the card that was patiently waiting for me when I got to the teenmobile from one of the most pleasant houston outings I've had in quite some time.

I got a chance to meet the well known and fabled 'bull girl', got to hear the tale (no pun intended) of 'kitty' from she-who-shall-remain-nameless. and got to amaze jen with my uncanny kid-age-predicting abilities. not to mention the fact that she seemed genuinely interested in the movie and music wisdom I was willing to impart on her.

anyway, swing by the 'dancing for life' studio and tell eddy that stan sent you.

they call me mr. bojangles