
kiss my ass hotmail

my friends have been munching on way too many retard sandwiches. this is the only logical explanation as to why they continue to email my abandoned hotmail address. I'm were the ballahs at...gmail. have been since the very beginning. so you could say that I'm a true "og".

playahs stay up,
original gmailer


never ending rain...

the animals around my neighborhood are starting to walk around in "two by two". fuckin' ridiculous.



I apologize for the lack of posts in the last few days. I took a couple of days to "recognize" the death of president reagan.


escalators are fascinating

escalators are by far one of the most underrated modes of transporation. for instance, have you ever wondered by there is a greenish light eminating from in between the steps? are there gnomes underneath the steps cranking gears and require the dim light to see? if that bulb burns out, how do you change it?

and what's up with the bristles on the sides of the steps? I figures they were there to give you a free shoe polish as you make your way up. kind of like an automatic carwash.

hooray for escalators. escalators are #1.

reason #9837...

why weddings are fun: lots of fun can be had back at the hotel. popping titties is a lost art.

if that girl don't participate, then I'm gonna take her friend,

r. kelly and cassidy


impossible my ass

they said it couldn't be done. but I have reached a new level of coolness. allow me to explain.

I started celebrating at 4pm. left that bar at 10pm and picked up a friend to hit another place. on the way up to the door of the last beerjoint we went to, I found a scratch off that had already been done. it was a $2 winner. I gave that sucker to our shitty waitress as a tip for our $20 tab (hey it was dollar beers).

I rule.


thom yorke said...

"meeting people is easy" and I believe him. some people obviously still haven't a clue. last night I was talking to a friend and he asked which bar was the best place to meet chicks. I replied that I wasn't sure, picking up girls at a bar isn't my thing.

I almost always date friends of friends. picking up random strange in bars just isn't the greatest idea. I just assume that a girl who'd go home with me after talking to me for 15 minutes probably did the same thing last weekend or even last night and I don't want it to burn when I pee.

maybe it's just me, but I haven't taken home and banged every girl I've met in a bar. also, if you're going to start hanging out in bookstores, coffee places, or church just to meet broads, you're trying too hard. it usually happens to me when you least expect it.

or so I've been told.



buy one of these. all the cool kids are wearing them. I already have my ten.

mellow johnny