
ok, I fold

due to the overwhelming demand for the mr. deeds greeting card, I'm reposting it. apparently, some of your are too lazy to sift through the scrolls (archives) to find the original entry. ladies and gents, I give you the card...

hard to breathe
feels like floating
so full of love
my heart is exploding
mouth is dry, hands are shaking
my heart is yours for the taking
acting weird, not myself
dancing around like the keebler elf
finally time for this poor schlub
to know how it feels to fall in love


be a doll and leave me a comment so I know my efforts aren't wasted. peace, I'm outta here!

those crazy bobcats...

overturned budweiser truck spills beer on the southeast side. swt chick first on the scene.

g.w. bailey


mack brown tour stop 2002

top selling universities
1. north carolina
2. michigan
3. tennessee
4. nebraska
5. florida
6. penn state
7. florida state
8. Texas
9. kentucky
10. ou

we are moving on up! how in the hell is tennessee #3? somebody explain to me how a 'neck school with a filthy shade of orange gets so many royalties? I've traveled this great country and I don't see a lot of utenn gear outside of the volunteer state. even in sec country. shit, I guess bill dance has more fans than I gave him credit for.

I'm not sure how it happened, but somehow I found myself watching fishing shows on weekends. it all started when I woke up early to get ready for football film sessions on weekends. and the habit carried over into college. nothing like pretending to be breathing the fresh outdoor air from the comfort of your bed as your are recovering from a debauchareous night. yesterday I watched the skilled anglers do their thing and began to think...to a fish, being caught and then released by a fisherman must be tantamount to an alien abduction.

the fish is minding his own business, chomping into what he thinks is a snack and before he knows it he's above water being examined by these large bipedal creatures. he gets orally probed the way humans report being anally probed by aliens. his body gets examined. he's critiqued. and then as quickly as he was caught, he is thrown back into the water.

imagine the fish returning to the water and making a bee-line to his school to tell them about this unbelievable 'out of water' experience he's just had. all the little fish roll their eyes and even the blowfish calls him insane, the blowfish! eventually, the fish finds other fish who claim to have had this same experience. amazingly they can all provide the same description of their captors: large beer bellies, white TENNESSEE mesh hats, silver cans (coors light) in nascar koozies, redman chewing tobacco, spit cups, polarized sunglasses, etc. and a lot of the abductions seem to happen in certain areas of the pond/reservoir/lake. interest in the possibility of life above water grows quickly and in the fall a new tv show climbs to first place in the shad ratings. it's a story about two government fish determined to prove that the reports of non-aquatic life is for real. it's called 'the hook files'. the truth is up there.

steve irwin



my dad is a very smart man. a very extravagant man (sorry couldn't resist, I'll try keep veering on tangents to a minimum). this is quietly evidenced by his weekly decimation of the sunday new york times crossword puzzle. I'll invariably come upon the puzzle, already 96.69% done, by 10:00am. I beam with pride and immediately want to run outside and slap bumper stickers on their cars that read, 'honor roll adult on board'.

what tickles me is the stuff he can't get. sure he can get clues like '1949 gatsby portrayer' and 'ancient celtic priest'. but, when it comes to "pop diva: britney ____' and 'karate kid co-star pat' he can't possibly figure out what could be the missing letters to SP__RS, MO___A. I admit a childish exhultant joy in contributing EA AND RIT, to complete the entries.

I was looking at the puzzle just this morning and noticed the printing at the bottom that read, 'need an answer? call 1-800-XXX-XXXX. $1.20 a minute.' shit! $1.20 a minute ain't cheap. I wonder what type of person calls this number. then I started to think about starting my own racy version of the service that'd combine the correct answers with...classic phone sex. that could be a money maker. I'd endorse it as a service to stimulate your intellect aaaaand your libido, grovy babey. 'oh yeah baby. do you want my 69 down? six letters, last letter is H, and the clue is 'grab quickly'. to talk to me some more, enter your answer using your phone's touch tone keypad now, press 6 for yes; 9 for no'. folks, its all part of my master plan to retire by the age of 32, and spend the rest of my golden years going from port to port. I'm a filthy beggar.

edited by,
will shortz


friday five

1. How long have you had a weblog? 6 or 9 months or so, you do the math.
2. What was your first post about? it was about an orogeny, and how I compared it to this endeavour. check it holmes
3. How many changes (name, location, etc.) of your weblog have there been, if more than one? about 6 or 9, I think that's a correct estimate.
4. What CMS (content management system) do you use? Do you like it or do you want to try something else? whatchu talking 'bout willis? cms? this is greek to me.
5. Do you read people who have both a journal and a weblog? Or do you prefer to read people who have all of their writing in one central place? potato, potahto; tomato, tomahto; journal, weblog...I'm missing your point. most of my friends don't update their shit anymore so I gave up. prefer if they actually updated their stuff. wg do you even remember what your url is anymore?

do you ever see markings on the street left by surveyors? a bright orange arrow with the letters "st" next to it in a circle. or an arrow pointing down to a flat line and some other random letters beside it. do these symbols mean anything to anyone? is there some sort of universal handbook issued to construction workers to decipher these asphalt hieroglyphics? 'ahhh, a yellow line with a green arrow. hey paco be careful man, looks like there's a gas line down there, ese!' I bet it's not that advanced, in fact I think it's just the opposite.

my street has become one big forgotten notepad with unrecognizeable thoughts written on them. the kind of thoughts that are so urgent, or brilliant, or important that you jot them down frantically on a cocktail napkin to ensure that they make it out of your head and into a tangible form before you lose them completely. but then a few weeks later you find that napkin in a pair of jeans (that you've just run through the washer) and you have no idea what any of it means. you're absolutely puzzled. did you find the cure for cancer? or ,in my case, lost another number of a silky sexy ass who wanted to desperately to go to a concert with you? you're tempted to throw the napkin away, but you just can't. what if what you wrote down was really really great and it'll come back to you if you just give it some time? let entropy take its course. so you save it...and years later you find yourself with a cigar box bursting with these little napkins. all of them mysteries. sounds just like my street.

I'm going to drive my happy ass down to ace warehouse. I'm going to slap my now expired driver's license on the counter. because now you have to show proof of age to buy spray paint and dry ice (he he he, my friends contributed to that ordinance getting passed). and I'm going to ask for the closest burn orange resembling paint they have. then, I'm going to scribble 'bevo' on my street and point it towards my driveway. who's house? horns house!

ok then,

who's the big winner? ryno is the big winner!

baby you are so money and you don't even know it. the dixie beer t-shirt was dead on. yeah, well maybe stacer gave me a bit of hell for leaving you out. but you know I dealt you major props when we spoke on the phone. now if you could just get that exotic dancer down gen. diaz to, hmmm you know, you'd be the number one stunna in my book. fo' sho'.

can't stop the stunnin',

lil' weezy

p.s. try to get here as early as possible on friday so we can sip on some crissy all night long.
p.p.s. sorry to hear about last night's tragedy and about pontiff earlier this week. give my love to miss debbie, and I hope you are doing well.


the unaltered state of druggachusetts

the other day when I was having lunch with my dad, I again, had another real life mr. show moment...

[act one, scene one]
father and son are at a trendy mid-town bistro, taking advantage of the lunch special

waitress: hi, what can I get you two gentlemen to drink?
me: two newcastles please.
waitress: any appetizers or something to eat?
me: actually yeah, can we get the pollo (using the correct español pronounciation: po' yo) flautas please.
waitress: the polo flautas (polo as in ralph lauren)?
me: pollo.
waitress: polo.
me: marco?
waitress: (walks away)
dad: ha ha

oh are they?

yesterday, this week, I've felt like a kid on christmas morning. I've gotten packages in the mail from two friends, female friends to be exact. suddenly I how what it feels to be a debutant, seeing that so many people seem to want a piece of me. well, I might be embellishing a little. however, that doesn't take away from the fact that I feel so wanted. so in demand. so luckily to be appreciated. and being blessed with friends that care. not that my friendship is up for sale, I know its hard to believe that such a hot commodity is so freely doled out. but if you hope to still pine for my friendship you will have to top these two recent showings of badassness (I think I just coined a new word). ha, I think stacy set the bar pretty high. I don't know what's more 'big time', the actual dixie beer t-shirt she sent me, or the serendipity of how it was bought. props to team nola for a most excellent find. you guys made me so happy, I almost broke into spontaneous song and dance.

war the us postal service
war 9.28.02
war next friday
war general diaz
war emblem

shama-lama ding dong...so hit it,
otis day at the knights


holy sweet mother of christ! where do I apply? I'm so fuckin' there.

game over...the winner is me,

the market

no, you didn't read wrong, market. I didn't go to the grocery store, I went to the market. central market that is. my dad and I went there to eat, and we ended up tearing through the place. wasted about 3 hrs, but I wouldn't exactly call it wasting bob. got some artichokes, some reginno parmessan cheese, blueberry sausages (no shit, I didn't know there was such a thing), hummus, etc. among other things I bought: a baguette of french bread. I've never bought a baguette before in my entire life. so there I was, with a paper bag under my arm, with a baguette sticking straight up out of it. I felt so european somehow. I wanted to get on a bike with a wire basket on the front and pedal around the neighborhood exclaiming 'bonjour!', 'ciao!' and 'bouno giorno principessa!' to anyone who would listen to me. instead we drove home. no one smiled at me. no one spat at me either. that's always a plus.

la vita è bella effettivamente,
guido orefice



finally...its here. I must say the wait was well worth it. as if I had any doubts about your keen sense for new sounds that I might like. you were again right on, as you have been time after time. I think you should reevaluate your current career path. because your ability to spot new talent is, shall I say, uncanny. now, if I could convince you to do a painting for me, my life would be complete.

you are my motherfucker,
rod tidwell

p.s. your custom packing job was a very nice touch. very cool, very original, very you. I have some padded envelopes if you want them.

inspired by an early morning conversation with j-sel...


I am polite. I am a gentleman. there is no argument there. bvut, I started thinking about how I stack up when it comes to 'traditional manners' in the realm of dating or relationships. it turns out that I will very happily: hold doors open, let her order first, walk on the curb side of the street (been know to vehemently enforce this), open the car door for her, and even help her on and off with her coat, if we're in a social environment that calls for that (did I miss any other major ones?).

but, I recognized one manner that I just really don't care for. in fact, it should be sentenced to surfer the same fate of the veriform appendix and the coccyx; one of emmient doom in obsolete oblivion. and, that's the whole pulling out her chair move. it's just...I don't know, it's simply too much. she can't sit without assistance? I'm all for making you feel like a princess, but going from a standing position to a seated position, even at a very fancy restaurant, is a responsibility you should take on yourself. fuck it, to avoid losing my gentleman status...I'm just going to start taking all my dates to places that only have booths in them. problem solved.

oh, one more thing that I never understood, does anyone even do this gesture anymore? guy and girl are walking. guy and girl see puddle in street. guy throws his coat over the puddle. I don't get it. all you end up with is a wet coat on the ground. if you step on it, the water will just come around the sides, won't it? are you supposed to step on it? it's never been quite clear.

man, don't even get me started on the whole department store double door thing. who fuckin' holds the door open? is there an established number of how many people you are required to hold the door open for, before someone kindly takes the baton? if you are walking in with someone, should that person wait for you to catch up to them so you can hold the next set of doors open? someone know the proper procedure for such scenario? I would love some input in helping me solve this etiquette dilemma that has been haunting me for eons.

gentle jack

a seinfeldian entry...about nothing.

the sissy bag. you know what I'm talking about. you go to a store and buy one pair of socks, and they give you the sissy bag. it's the only bag they have. with the squat paper body. and the cord handles. ugh, those fuckin' pussy handles. if there is a way to carry this bag without looking like a bitch, I haven't found it yet.

in other news, I found a pic of the flask that cajun hooligan dropped near my seat during last week's game. check it out holmes:



tried and true routine...

I'm of the belief that if you're having trouble falling asleep, the best thing to do is to get up and do something for a little while. eat a fruit. watch a little tv. wake up the dog, play fetch. call her work number just to hear her voicemail message...again.

after I've exhausted these activities I usually end up on the internet. it goes something like this: espn.com, cnn.com, prown site, ebay.com. and it's here that my tired eyes scour the offerings, placing bids on various items. oh man, that's cool. click. I bet I'd be the only one on the block with one of these. click. I'll surprise my mom with this. click. click. click. clickitty, click clack.

the next day I'll be working away and I'll suddenly get an email. 'you've been outbid!'. my reaction is one of initial surprise, followed by a wave of relief. 'oh thank god. what the fuck was I thinking at 3:00am to make me covet a cigar box full of antique keys?' and the emails continue to pour in throughout the day. you've been outbid! 'good. where the hell would I put a walk-in sauna anyway'. you've been outbid! 'yeeeees! wheew. that was a close one, like I'm ever going to play with a perssimon driver from 1969'. at day's end it's nice to know that my insomnia results in driving up the price of random shiiiet on the internet.



yikes! despite a pact with satan and multiple baths in the blood of sacred virgins, I reluctantly took the news that another young hottie got engaged.

I have come to the harsh realization that in the world of dating and relationships...I'm a dodo. forever confined to old pictures and distant memories of its exhistance.


43 days...until the horns begin their quest for the mnc. I'll be there, will you?

friday five is back...today's edition is brought to you by budweiser, and aaron davis. now back to our regularly scheduled program.

1. Where were you born? in a hospital
2. If you still live there, where would you rather move to? If you don't live there, do you want to move back? Why or why not? too drunk to answer this question
3. Where in the world do you feel the safest? this shit requires too much thought, next
4. Do you feel you are well-traveled? fuckin' a, have you seen the stamps on my passport? I'm worldwide, bitch
5. Where is the most interesting place you've been? ridding with kings on mighty steeds, across the devil's plain. I rode with jesus and his cross, he did not die in vain, no. I've run with wolves, I've climbed k2, even stopped a moving train. I've traveled through space and time, my friend, to rock this house again.

I'm hungry

still drunk...my name is mike mcclintock



too weird...

I took truman for his nightly walk tonight. on my way back I stopped and stretched my legs on this bench next to a tennis court. I start stretching my legs when suddenly I heard something hit the ground hard right in front of me. on impact it made a very audible squeak, like the sound a dog toy makes when you squeeze it. I immediatly thought that truman had snuck his ball out of the house, that's a no-no in my book (that toy was expensive, and I won't want him to lose it). I looked down and it was a frog, sitting there face up. motionless. did a fuckin' frog just jump off a roof? impossible, no roof nearby. did it fall out of a tree? did it die when it hit the ground or was it already dead? shit, wait. did someone just throw a frog at me? are frogs one of the 10 plagues of egypt? is this the beginning of the end? why do weird things like this always happen to me? all of these thoughts raced through my mind. but, I didn't stick around to investigate the frog further. I ran..... I ran like a dog from a chinese restaurant.

last night I signed off as 'abre los ojos' starting penelope cruz > she is dating tom cruise > who started in 'magnolia' > which had a scene of the curse brought to the pharoh by moses > tonight I almost get pelted by a fallen amphibian.

damn...sedude and destroy,
frank t.j. mackey


ugh...about a week ago I was discussing the intricacies of mtv's sorority life with someone. during my spiel about the lack of good looking girls I said, this must have been whilst I was toking on the crack pipe hardcore, that if I had to choose one I would pick becca. last night I realize what a grave mistake I made in my prior assessment. truman has taken bloody shits more attractive than this broad. not to mention that her extreme hypocrisy is a major turn off. if their concern for the sigma is such, then they should all hold their members to the same standard that they are holding the pledges (no drinking, no boys, no fun). these blimps should be happy that two of their pledges are pulling more sausage than their collective sorority. after further pondering, if I had a gun to my head and was forced to pick one of these girls I would choose candace. but that is not saying much. none of the sigmas or pledges make my list. they are bar mat water compared to the sheer display that I see on a daily basis in texas. just open your fuckin' eyes. neiman marcus has mannequins I would get with before any of the aforementioned tramps.

abre los ojos

the juicebox

...we were the ticket holders of seats 9 through 13, but someone was sitting on the 13th seat. no worries, we just sat down at 8-12 and we were gambling that our neighbors wouldn't show up. I drew the short straw and I got stuck on the end, meaning I was sitting on the dreaded 8th chair and I was on food bitch patrol. my dad never made up his mind as to what junk food he wanted to eat prior to heading down to our seats. so, of course he got a craving for a pretzel as soon as we sat down, and I left to deal with the masses to bring him back a twisted salted bread. I wasn't in the best mood after the ticket taker made me do the monkey dance to fetch my ducat stub from my pocket while I had my hands were full to show her proof that I belonged in that section. my mood was further aggravated when a retired g.l.o.w. bovine informed me that I was sitting in her seat. we all moved a seat down. the beached whale now sitting to my left was encroaching into my seat, not to mention that I could feel the body heat radiating from her flipper err arm, they need to instill a southwest airlines like policy at minute maid park. if you spill over to another seat, you need to buy an extra ticket. I was trying to be a gentleman by squeezing closer to my father and letting her have her space, but I also had to deal with her shifting her offspring from one arm to another, not to mention that her duffel bag of a purse was now at my feet. when we got up to sing the national anthem I discreetly kicked her hand suitcase under her seat.

playball the ump yelled, redding was on the mound and he surrendered one double to who else, but astros' killer aaron boone. when the visiting team took the field I was shocked to find out they put a knuckleballer on the mound. you know they are coming, and there is nothing you can do about it. you gotta hope for the best. [insert nefarious remark by clayton williams about rape and rain here]. too bad I adamantly refuse to pay 6 bones for a brau, it would have helped me pass the time.

we casually passed the time by bullshitting about random stuff. every once in a while I would be on the lookout for a liner heading our way. but after sitting in that section for so many games I knew it was a wasted effort. around the sixth inning, when the game seemed to be out of reach for the good guys there was a mass exodus, and the subsequent tactical shifting of fans from other sections onto ours. I was hoping mama bear would see an opportunity to move down a few rows, but apparently they had driven from out of town and they were not about to pick up their anchor and move from their places.

fast forward to the top of the eight inning. boone was up and we were all paying attention to his at bat to see where he was going to send his double (I swear this guy and ryan klesko have our number). he shanked the second pitch from puffer daddy to our section! I was about to jump for it, for it wasn't exactly headed to me, but for the guy wearing the glove in front, and as I was about to liftoff a drunken coon ass jumped on my back and totally threw me off. in the frenzy I managed to slap the ball out this guys glove and it fell on this lady's lap. as I was about to turn around to find my seat I felt a chilling sensation on my back. boudreax has spilled his beer on me, and he was layed out behind me. the usher came to check on him, and offered him a soft drink in a souvenir cup to compensate for his spilled beverage (it was pass last call, so they couldn't replace it with a beer). what about me? I was wearing 4.50 dollars worth of bud light on my back. can't you at least give me a fuckin' sundae for my pain and suffering. or what about one of those inflatable bats, so I could whoop his ass back to looosiana. all this time they were simpathizing with someone who jumped me from two rows back, and wasn't even in his proper seat. fuck that shit.

he got carted off to the infirmary, or the drunk tank...hell if I know. I got an ounce of satisfaction knowing that the guy who had been talking shit about the astros in front of me didn't get the ball, and that I had probably stepped on the inbred's junk and he was now talking in a high pitched voice in some obscure corner of the ballpark. julio lugo made his costumary fielding error which totally extinguished whatever rally the desastros were piecing together. and as I got up to leave I saw a metal flask under my seat. it was a crown royal metal flask. sweet as shit, I bet it was bojangles mcdrunk's. I pocketed the sumbitch and showed it to everyone once we were outside the stadium. I got mad props all around, and my dad wanted me to give it to him. my friend's mom had thought I had brought it in, and she asked me why I hadn't shared the goods with her during the game. this new flask is a fine addition to my collection, and it will surely get plenty of use this football season.

no wheezin' the juice,
encino man


truman: tales of a wondering gigolo
after finally passing out around 6am yesterday morning, I was looking forward to a long peaceful slumber. funny, everyone else had different plans. someone calling on a wireless phone from area code 304 woke me up at 7:45...wrong number. the next barrage of calls, in typical fashion, went unanswered. around 9:45am the phone was ringing at an interval of 6 or 9 seconds. everyone knows not to leave a message for it will go unchecked for days, weeks, months even. I figured it was someone desperately trying to get a hold of me, so I relented and reached for the batphone. it was my friend inviting me to attend the afternoon's ballgame. he swore some of his hottest female friends would eventually meet up with us at the juicebox. kinda like being promised to hang with the brightest 'tards, tallest pygmies, fastests gimps, etc. just an idea of the level of 'hotness' I was dealing with.

afraid that I might over sleep, I turned to tnn outdoors and went about making preparations to face the day. started my maladroit sunday ritual of unwrinkling my clothes, I soon gave up on looking for my astros polo. since we were going to face the reds of cincinnatti, I decided to don the burnt orange in homage to the greatness of new caney's own adam dunn. assured that I was going to look money, it was time to secure breakfast. packed up le hound and went donut shopping. truman was on my last nerve by the time I got back because I knew he hadn't gone potty, so I let him outside as soon as got to the drive way. I had told my dad earlier about the ducats, and I demanded he be ready by the time I pulled up. he and I shared the krispy cremes while truman went on about this biznahs in the backyard. we started thumbing through the sunday paper when he got a call from one of my mom's friends who is familiar with truman. he said he had seen my dog running around his house, two blocks away. and that the head of the neighborhood association apparently had called the police. I'm sure this guy's call to houston's finest was ladden with hyperboles about a rabbid canine on the loose. knowing that truman had no form of visual id on him; he's got a pet id chip implanted on his shoulder blades, and a tattoo on his groin, I quickly sprung into action before he was snatched by the man. as my dad went scrambling for his sneakers, I went outside to see how that little focker had gotten out, and I noticed that this metal gate was wide open. truman is no spring chicken, he seized the opportunity to check out the sites, smells, and poon tang that the neighborhood had to offer.

my dad and I met up again inside and I mentioned that I suspected that last night's storm had blown his metal gate open, and he told me he had been refinishing that gate for about two weeks, but his work had been stalled by the frequent showers, so the still unpainted locking mechanism was still on his work bench. this information would have been useful to me before I had let the dog out. so this baja man and his father embarked on our rescue mission. we opened the front door and we were met by truman in all his majestic glory. he was just chilling waiting for us to let him in. I was happy to see him, but he was wet from either rolling in the wet grass or from swimming in the nearby creek. I couldn't leave him inside the house and risk him brushing up against my mom's furniture, so I cracked the garage door and left him there.

as we were about to march out of the house, the phone rang. it was the lady that had alerted the law. she found out through her inquires that the dog was staying there. she proceeded to tell my dad about the laws against stray dogs, of how they bring property values down ([sarcasm] I wasn't aware that was an epidemic problem in that part of town [/sarcasm]), and the city's protocol for dealing with nomadic dogs; a procedure I'm unfortunately all too familiar with. that's why truman's nubian visage is sullied by every tag possible: pet chip id, city of houston, city of austin, rabbies vaccination, owner info, and his playaz's club badge. needless to say, you can imagine the decibels generated by such a collection, surely they rival that of a retired floridian's front pocket jingle. I only put it on him when we go outside the city. and since he's mostly an inside dog, I let him style a collar sans tags. fuck, what pisses me off is that I thought I would escape this unjust persecution when I moved back to houston. when I was living in a residential neighborhood in austin, truman always got out because my tightwad landlord wouldn't replace the fence. he would always find a way to get past my best efforts to patch it up, and I always had to make a weekly trip to the town lake pound, or I had to track down the mailman. he and truman became good chums, and he often let him follow him on his route, the dude would leave me a note when he found him walking the streets while I was in class. shit, its not like he's a vicious pit bull or a molosser on the prowl looking to feast on kids. its a harmless black lab, he will most likely lick the shit out of your children. her fears were unfounded, and they insulted my dedication to socialize and train my dog. but I guess she doesn't know that, because she doesn't know me or truman. but anyone with four fingers for a forehead knows that a lab is great with kids. that's why when I was planning on buying a dog, I avoided getting a german shepherd, a fila brasileiro, or any breed that has earned the 'malicious' notoriety. next time I see her fuckin' mutt named simba around my parents' house I'm going to take him to the pound and let her experience first hand what a pain in the ass that ordeal is. in the mean time, I hope her genitals get infested with the fleas of a thousand camels.

fuckin' bitch,

w. axl rose


what a great day...seeing that I got maybe 90 minutes of sleep last night I will try my best to give you a worthy recap. not to mention that I'm typing as I'm trying to fight the enthalling effects of the aqua vitae I consumed at ninfa's. I'll have to say their hootch hit the spot on such a rainy day. fuckin' a, sorry jabronies...can't do it. too drunk, too tired, and I hear my bed calling my name. impossible for a mere mortal to defeat such adversity. not to worry, there is another fiesta in the making as we speak. I'll be back asap after my deserved nap. I'll be ready to dish out a mother of a detailed brief. I was in rare form today, my sorties will go down in the storied annals of this city.

to be continued,
same bat channel


truman is back from the vet...looks like he's higher than a giraffe's pussy.


truman is at the vet today. I miss him so much...

oh bring back, oh bring back my bunny to me,
jack hanna


I find it extremely weird that for the past few days a lot of events seem to be centered around my dog. could it be that because I suspect something being wrong with his eyes, and the close call with heat stroke he had on tuesday, I'm more perceptive because I'm spoiling him so?

his extra sensory abilities never cease to amaze me. today he got near me as I was writting an email and it was like he was trying to tell me something was afoot. peeled my eyes from my monitor to ask him what was wrong, and just like that the power went out. I went around the place and turned off all the essential and power surge sensitive equipment that needed to be dealt with. the electricity was restored before I was done, but I wanted to revel in the stillness a bit longer. after speaking with n8 on the phone to finish an AIM conversation we were in the middle of, I grabbed a budweiser and sat looking out the window. my best friend came by and rested his head on my lap. no doubt he wanted to get out there and splash around, but he was just as content being in my company.

as I sat there I reflected on the 3 years he's been in my life. on how he's been with me through rough times, and I could always count on him to lift my spirits. we spent my final semester in college apart, because my place was simply too small for him. it broke my heart when I left him, but I drew strength from his perception that he understood why he couldn't go back to austin with me. it was as if he knew he had to change with the needs of the family. he became a watchful protector of my mother when my father was away. when I visited he was like the younger brother who wanted to know everything I had been up to. when we walk the streets late at night he always gets in between me and critters we tend to run into that I may not notice right away. and when I come home, he greets me like he hasn't seen me in a hundred years. anyone who doesn't believe in the bond between dog and man can kiss my ass. he is the true example of demanding so little, and giving back so much.

I don't know what I will do when the time comes for my partner in crime, and friend. I do know what when that day arrives I'm going to celebrate his life. give him the proper send off he deserves. I'm going to invite some friends, grill some steaks and give truman a cut and some beer to wash them down with. I'll let everyone in my family and some of my friends say their goodbyes and then ask them to leave. I will be with him as he passes on, comforted by the being he loves the most and I will bury him that evening.


the royal tenenbaums was released today.

'everyone knows that custer died at little bighorn. what this book presupposes is maybe he didn't'

a quote like that transform the movie from midly funny to genius.

where's my shoe?
eli cash


'is everyday like this?'
infamous words spoken by the epitome of badass girls:danger. THE same danger that tools around austin in the exploder. THE same danger who helped me con free drinks out of the casino in new orleans, when we were the sole bastions of texasdom after our third wheel red mcsto passed out in our hotel room. this morning I can sympathize with said statement. for last night, my experiment with spanish dry wine went terribly awry.
usually, my monday mornings are rife with grumpiness, grogginess, eye boogers and a general distaste for life. this monday, however, felt like waking up in a lite beer commercial. the only things remotely puzzling were an abnormally strong soreness from just working out (actually from scrubbing the shit out of a brick wall, and general hot tub maintenance) and the mystery of how I went to bed wearing boxers, but woke up bare assed.
perhaps the nagging feeling that I might have been molestered in my sleep was only preparation for my civic duty "date". could get out of it this time. first thought that came to me was 'show me on the doll where daddy touched you' I felt so violated by my sheets last night. or maybe it was a sign that I should get rid of these shitty boxers once and for all. that's it, I'm never ever buying abercrombie boxers again.

well you can dereLICK my balls, capitan


friday five

1. Where are you right now? around N 29° 44.785 W 095° 30.424

2. What have you lost recently? I lost my appetite for a day after tasting this lady's wretched culinary abortion...errrrr brisquet

3. What was the first CD you ever purchased? Does that embarrass you now? michael jackson bad, not embarrassed at all...at least I bought a classic.

4. What is your favorite kind of writing pen? any mont blanc pen

5. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? ben and jerry's phish food, and no I'm not a phan I just like their ice cream favor.


a sign of things to come...3-time tour de france winner lance armstrong has won the prologue that kicks off the race. he's going for his tetra championship.

vive le lance!


longfellow deeds' card to pam dawson...so I got MANY MANY requests for the contents of this card. so this evening, while visiting some family friends with my parents, I snuck out to the neighborhood cinema. I promptly walked through the turnstiles without paying and I made a point of recording it. with out futher ado, here is the transcript:

hard to breathe
feels like floating
so full of love
my heart is exploding
mouth is dry, hands are shaking
my heart is yours for the taking
acting weird, not myself
dancing around like the keebler elf
finally time for this poor schlub
to know how it feels to fall in love

you all fuckin' owe me HUGE time,
large mcbighuge

I have seen it all...this goat was born with the mark of racing legend dale earnhardt. it must be some sort of messiah that has come to earth to teach all nascar fans and whitetrash how to live.

hey ma, look at this,
cletus the slackjawed yokel


next episode of everyday things mischief...we will find out how much paper there is in a sunday edition of the houston chronicle. they are rolled up in a log, and that makes them difficult to visualize spread out flat. this weekend (if I end up not going to colorado or nyc for 4th of july) I plan on taping together every page of this girth of newsprint just too see how big of a paper plane I can build. I hope to be handglidding off it when it's all said and done.


the guilty parties of meat belch

p.s. I chuckle at the prospect of folding a gigantic origami paper crane and letting it go godzilla on playground equipment.