
playin' with my money is like playin' with my emotions...

after going to the post office to send some packages, and dropping a couple of bills on cigars, I looked at my wallet and was attacked by a flurry of moths. stansworth is broke, yo.

not for long, thank god. it's almost the end of the month, meaning that the divorcees I date will get their alimony checks from their cordial exes. in turn, those hags will spend their deadbeats' hard earned money on me. just kidding, I'm waiting on my refund check from THE MAN.

last night's spur of the moment roadtrip was a lot of fun. I should have stayed until the wee morning hours, but a very pissed black lab puppy would have shat all over my place to get back at me for not taking his black ass on the road with me. I'll be returning sometime this week. I have to drive will's car back to him.

I like roadtrips, but I figure that I would do without this one.

I like to live dangerously. but, the prospect of possibly getting stranded on 71 outside of la grange is not exactly my cup of tea. I retrieved wg's "fixed" car from the shop this evening, only to have it bust on me 4 blocks down the road. AFTER the shop had closed. so I sat there in the darkness reading a road atlas with truman, while I waited for my dad to rescue us. he got there and we went "american chopper" on that car. we jerry rigged it enough for me to limp home. I'll take a closer look at it in the morning, and hopefully I can putt putt it back to austin.

I have to. I really really want to ride back down the next morning in a bmw full of honeys. the ultimate driving machine is one fun vehicle. even more so under the influence of some bourbon and cokes.

ok, I'm going to do some of that showering thing I've heard so much about,

stinky mechanic


there and back again...

drove to austin last night...and it wasn't to watch "sex and the city"



holy evesdropping

talk about your all time cell phone fuck ups...twice!

cellie mccellerton


things I currently don't give a shit about...

the wnba, and any women's professional sports
the yankees
homosexual marriages
the osbournes
janet's tit
piece of shit new bands whose name starts with "the"
maurice clarett
hugo chavez
the new bachelorette
bush's military record
the democratic primaries



ok, inspired by countless hours watching "the a-team" and action-adventure shows, I have decided I want to "own half the county." you know, as in the oppressive, wealthy, scheming bad guy who is cutting off the water to such-and-such's farm, or keeping people from doing business with the family owned garbage collection company. that person always "owns half the county" and I want that person to be ME!

anyway, I'll have the time on my hands to get this operation underway on June 1, 2004, and I need about six or nine henchmen to help me get my operation going.

applicants should preferably be 6'2" or taller, weigh in the 220 to 240 lbs. range, and be able to "bring it" when the need arises. I'd really like to have one guy in the 6'7", 310 lbs. range. military experience is helpful, but not needed if you are proficient with shotguns, rifles, pistols, or throwing knives. physical requirements will be waived if you can meet the following criteria for specific spots:

- I need someone with technical aptitude, and who has been able to beat grand theft auto 3 and grand theft auto:vice city.

- I need someone with a cpa. even crooks need to account for their earnings. preferably with a noticeable lazy eye and generally not nice to people.

- a lawyer to serve as my "bag man" and who is ready to chop off the roof of his camaro to mount the .50 cal.

- a countryish "honey" to answer the phones and do some light bookkeping, but mostly serve as eye candy around the office. those oppossed to making out with other chicks need not apply.

oh, and a pool table. lots of time henchmen just spend time playing pool while they wait for their oppressive schemes to take hold. so if you have a pool table you can lend to the operation, that'd be a plus. I'll be serving as the cigar chomping unyielding, fearless leader/ceo. I pledge to risk my entire livelyhood for any scheme, regardless of whether I stand to make any significant financial gain from it.

salary is negotiable, depending on experience. email with letter of interest, salary history and resume, or simply call me if you have my number.

this ain't no trip to cleveland.


we rule

horns swept the minute maid classic. beating the #1 team in the nation along the way. all was perfect, except for the frigid temperatures inside the ballpark. all I could do to keep my balls from being frozen to my seat was to stare at the hot texas women around me. and feed off their hot physiques.

give me britney's body, christina's voice, and jessica simpson's brain. oh yes, I think I could find a use for my little 'weird science' project.


valentine's day report

let me preface this by saying that all of my guy friends are either: married, engaged, or currently involved with someone. yes, that means I'm the only lone wolf left in my group.

on my way home after the ball game I decided to hit one of my favorite watering holes in hopes of finding a lonely girl to make her 'feel special'. sadly, the only hot chicks I saw had guys buying them dinner. one brave girl approached me while I was playing golden tee.

chick: do you play real golf?
me: yes, why do you ask?
chick: just asking. why do guys like playing golden tee so much? it's, like, at every bar.
me: we just do
chick: what do you mean?
me: well...it's like this: guys like to watch girls make out with each other and guys like playing golden tee. that's just the way it is.
chick: oh, ok. (at this point she realizes I won't buy her a drink and walks away with a disgusted look on her face)

when it became blantly obvious that the only single hooch running around the joint were fat chicks who had no shame in showing mid-rift, I assessed that it was plenty of reason for me to head home early. no luck, but I have got to keep some standards.

there you have it.


inbox adventures

how do people know that I am fat, have a small penis, and no money? seems like all these people just keep emailing me about it. so I need to refinance my penis and get a larger mortage. or was it refinance my mortage and get a larger penis? actually both are kinda true.

here's the kicker, after I refinance my home and prance around town with my new, larger penis I would still need lots and lots of xanax and valium. a n d I made a new year's resolution to look ten years younger. plus, if I send my bank account information to some guy in nigeria I'll be rich in no time at all. and it's all perfectly legal!

last night's episode of the o.c.

the entire plot of every episode is retarded. this is precisely why this is the greatest show on television. however, I have to call bullshit on the fact that fox advertised a gunshot and then had the show climax when oliver was carried out crying like a little bitch by hotel security. they should have at least wasted him if he wasn't going to off himself.

I like some of the other plot twists coming though including the return of the saucey summer to seth's life. good god, can you blame seth for lusting over summer? anna is so fuckin' boring.


girls from the past

talked to a female friend last night. she called my friend's new girlfriend and she told that that "someone" wanted to say hello. she handed me the phone, I had no clue who was on the other end at this point. I was pleasantly surprised. in the two minutes I spent chatting with her I found out that she's married to her cheating boyfriend. I guess that's all she wanted. but judging from her tone her texas-sized blinders are suddenly falling from her face. they are flat broke. sucks to be her right now.

I hate to say it, but "I told you so"

success if the best revenge.


tracking numbers are fun

the following should hit my mailbox on friday:

- 2 boxes of ramon allones specially selected (received a shipment on monday, but you can never have enough of these)
- por larraƱaga panatela
- hoyo de monterrey edicion limitada
- romeo y julieta exhibicion no. 4
- cohiba robustos (can you say "hugetime"?)

I'm currently working on a deal for some more cohiba millenium reserves, which are totally sweet.

if I can't blow money on drugs and hookers, I might as well blow it on cigars.



ryan adams broke his wrist and cancelled the rest of his tour. upcoming dates were blanketing texas, so I won't get to see him. this sucks more than anything has ever sucked before. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that an obscene amount of alcohol played a part in his.



real ultimate power

yeah, that boob spillage was just as unintentional as janet jackson likes to wear ninja throwing star nipple clamps for comfort.

cry me a river