
my mother: the playa hatta

I was chatting with my cousin on the steps outside of my parents' bedroom the other night. she was telling me about the time my cousins took my crazy cousin to the whore house when he turned eighteen. anyway, we was having a good time, until my mom opened the door and poked her head out (curls and all) to give me the third degree:

'I just heard on the news that there is going to be a citywide warrant crackdown, the police are going to arrest people at home or at their work place if they have outstanding traffic citations'

my god, my eyes nearly stuck to the back of my head.

so anyway, yes there was a time when I neglected to pay my traffic tickets, and while they haven't kept me from getting a job, or from renewing and getting a new car policy my mom once saw this notice that came to the house when I was living in austin. and of course, she assumed that I must have had at least 10 more outstanding arrest warrants with my name on them that I was hiding from them. along with 2 illegitamite children, a 2 pack a day smoking habit, and a harem of females. none of these things were true...well maybe I was dating one or two girls at the same time for like a millisecond.

it is this constant paranoia that fuels her outbursts when I fuck up, well not even that...more like I a mistep.

it's all my fault though. I had my head so far up this bitch's ass for a while that I neglected a lot of my responsibilites, my friends and family, hell even my dog.. it's over now though. I refuse to let myself be so consumed by another skirt like that and let my mind fritter away like a hush puppy.

all this stress due to one measly parking ticket.

when I lived way off campus, I used to drive to school everyday. instead of paying 4 bucks and driving around aimlessly in the jester lot in hopes of finding an empty spot, I used to park at the state lot. shit, it was right across the street and had a ton of free spots that were begging to be sheltered from the blazing texas sun.

everything was cool until THE MAN decided to stick it to me one day. damn the man and fuck the poh-lice.

the ticket was only twenty bucks which is less than it would have been had I gotten a ticket on campus. even though the price of the ticket worked out to be less than actually having paid for parking on campus for a week, it still chapped my ass. so I tossed it away. it eventually escalated to a 160 dollar fine, 3 years later. I guess that's what I get for being a cheap bastard.

two weeks ago my parents got another notice so I had to scratch a check to the city of austin. hopefully that'll be the end of it. it seems like I've paid that citation 3 times . but I know that well after that ordeal has gone the way of the dinosaur my mom is still going to give me shit about it. that's just how moms are.

its not that I am lazy, its just that I don't give a fuck,

seriously, do I look that gay?

this morning I picked up my dry cleaning and I was surprised to find that they had mixed in two blouses with my shirts and troussers. I checked it before leaving the store and I told the attendant that they had made a mistake.

'I understand that during the process you tend to lose garmets, while none of mine appear to be missing, I do believe that you have mixed in these two blouses that do not belong to me'

'are you sure?'

'yes, I'm positive'

'it says here that you brought in 6 shirts, 2 blouses and some trouses'

'hmm, noooo. I didn't bring in any blouses, and all my shirts seem to be here'

'maybe they are your wife's'

'I don't have a wife'

'ok, but are you sure they are not your's?'


what the fuck? I know that I've joked about buying a poet's shirt and dying it burnt orange to wear to football games. but other than that, none of my shirts resemble anything that comes near a blouse, or any item that you might find at a clubqueen's closet.

I am all man, lady!


nola bound!


so you ever feel useless? this bothers me, because I feel more inept than the drummer from def leppard when his one good hand is asleep.

my great friend is going through an incredible amount of pain and suffering, and don't even know how to pretend that I know what to do or say.

all I can do is listen quietly on the phone and hear her cry...


sometimes the question answers itself...

this sore throat that I mysterrrrrriously got kept me in the warm confines of my abode for most of the day. not having anything to do to keep be busy I started my trite routine of cycling through the same sites over and over again. I felt like that dude in that commercial that reaches the end of the internet, yes sir. so what do I do?

I spent an unhealthy amount of time today looking at a disturbing little site called 'am I hot or not?'

I was first alerted of this site a while back when nathan and n-doe showed me the picture that they had posted of manderson aka mattzilla, 'hey matt, I just wanted to say 'hook 'em!''. at the time, I thought it was a tiny little site, mostly running for humor's sake. apparently I was mistaken.

if you're not familiar with the site, it's basically a place where the insecure can post a picture of themselves in order to be rated by the ever so discriminating web surfing public. I'm insecure-- sign me up!

I wonder if the people that actually have pictures posted take the things seriously. I mean, you should be able to reasonably gauge where you stand on the hot-o-meter without having to turn to a hairy guy from armpit, north dakota who's taking a break from looking at kiddie porn for his supreme judgement. I don't need the internet to tell me I'm not attractive. I get enough of that in real life. even though the site stipulates that patrons should not 'pollute the site' with 'stupid pics,' if I were to participate, I would have to make a mockery of the whole deal.

I searched and scoured my hard drive for an appropriate picture. unfortunately, none of the pictures that I have scanned are awkward enough. I'm contemplating posting the pic of this john mayer wannabe we met in dallas during tx-ou weekend.

the first few pictures that I voted for, I was voting with honesty. after you vote, the picture pops up on the side of the screen with your vote and the average vote. the thing that was most striking is that there was a definite disparity between my votes and the average vote. apparently, I don't have the same idea of 'attractive' as the average joe.

the scores were merciless. If the woman is average looking, the scores were in the 2's and 3's, but if the woman was silicone filled, scores were in the 8's or 9's. it's a s i n i n e. there were girls that I thought were a+ foxy that were given 3's. unacceptable! and I pride myself with being an excellent 'talent scout.'

so, I started voting for the opposite of what I thought the average would be. in most cases, this was pretty honest, but I did it in an attempt to screw with the system.

lock me up, I am such a rebel.

rock the cradle of love,
billy idol

mijo! the rrrrent is doo

argh, I have a sore throat. hmm, I wonder who I could have gotten it from?

I want it wall-to-wall with john daniels...

I'm taking a break from being a suck so I can satisfy your need for a new entry.

I know you want it.

actually, I have been breaking more than I have been sucking. as a result, my laundry is done, I'm caught up with my mail for the first time since June...of '01, shirts have been ironed and you, dear reader, have this entry. but, I'm going to keep it short and sweet because I do want to fall asleep sometime this evening.

this is also a fine opportunity for you, reader...errr kara, to take a look at the scribes and catch up on my past entries.

random thoughts for today:

1. there really aren't any attractive girls at places where my complete concentration is needed. I think this has quite a bit to do with my success. no distractions, yo.
2. focus and motivations are excellent traits for one to posses. I, however, have neither.
3. when selling a car, do not tell the customer that its best feature its the service plan. if you believe that your product is truly the best and most realible in the market, then it shouldn't need the backing of the 'best service dept. in the industry.'
4. my putter needs to be shortened by half an inch.
5. losing three balls in the first three holes after a long layoff from golf is a bad sign, however birding the 4th hole is not.
6. I forgot what 6 is for.
7. skoal does wonders for my golf game, its more soothing than beer.
8. talking on the phone+steering a golf cart+cutting through a bumpy rough=club bag falling off the back of the cart.

that is all,


there are a few things in this world that come close to the feeling of hitting a long iron right in the screws. I wish I could duplicate the same with my woods.

for sale:
callaway hawkeye 8 degree driver with an ei-70 stiff flex graphite shaft
callaway steelhead 3 wood.

golfer x

so much for my claim of being able to 'pull about 3 or 4 all-nighters in a row.'

I passed out like a little biznitch last night, and I still feel like a bear that's coming out of hibernation.

bj and the bear


its official...


damn taxes...

tonight's menu:
a generous helping of shackaroni
baked cookies
ice cream and/or milkshakes
1 incredible girl

it's go time...I'm out.

my friend is famous

well he's not really a californian, but I'll let it slide. he better be aware that he's never going to have to pay for a drink as long as I'm in the same bar as he.

can't wait for the stories.


a blast from the past...

today is the anniversary of two important and special events in my life. exactly one year ago today, I saw texas lose to oregon at texadelphia. I predicted that the team was too young to make a true run, but they were destined for bigger and better things. I think the #1 seed in the south this year is a pretty good indicator. and not to mention that aside for the loss it was a bitchin' night. it was truly magical for me, I hadn't drank so much bourbon and coke in one sitting. from that point on I've been trying to equal that feat to know avail.

also one year ago today, I swore off 'sucky' girls for good. still keeping it real one year later. I celebrated by playing some softball, bbq'ing, and pretending I was too cool to hang out with my guy friends at texadelphia. I told them I didn't want to make an appearance and jinx us again, seeing that it was there that we watched the horns lose to oregon in the sweet 16 last year, but I was really hanging out with some chicas. I'm so fuckin' gay.

speaking of cool girls, and not being gay...its nice to hook up with my favorite tri-theta girl from the past.

enough with the hapiness, onto the destruction.

I reformated my h a r d (he he he) disk, and I was too lazy to back up my music files. I was finally able to get kazaa lite working to my liking (fuckin' firewall from hell!), after many unsucksessful attempts. each time I configure it right, it goes down. speaking of going down, kazaa lite is going to have to go down on me if it ever fucks up again.

I can't believe I won!
lamar latrell


another one of life's burning questions...

when it comes to 'wiping' how do blind people know when they are done? do they train their seeing eye dogs to know?

astro jetson

a little glimpse at my scattered thoughts...

my friend wg has a hard-on for anne rice. I've gone to the bookstore on a few occassions to pick up one of her tomes, only to walk out with something completely different. as some of you know mosquitos are out again in the bayou city. its a constant battle between the forces of stan and the forces of evil when I'm out walking truman. and how are anne rice and skeeters related you ask? quit being an impatient fuck and I'll tell you.

mosquitos suck blood, and anne rice writes about vampires, so that got me thinking last night after I got home from 'the movies', god I keep thinking of stupid stuff:

1. if a vampire drinks the blood of a guy who has aids...does it affect the vamp at all?
2. thrists for blood, drinks blood, digests blood...does a vampire run to the proctologist if he has blood in his stool?
3. does a vampire's heartrate increase if he runs?
4. if you had a light source that would generate the same wavelength as the sun's, would it be able to affect vampires?
5. if the whole having good hearing was true, would a vampire become deaf if a gun was shot close by him?

geez I'm a dork, I know. I need to find a vampire to experiment on. that is if they exist and shit.


tantra babey!


yep, I did it...


fun day at amigomart...

so my dad found this cheap ass grocery store. seller bros. it is in the hood, go figure. cheap groceries=good groceries in my book. it's like a scavenger hunt sometimes. there's a lot of crap there, but when I find something good I feel like I've accomplished something. for instance, the other day my dad bought a box of super sized special k for $2.75. key features of the success of this buy are:

1. kellogg, its a recognizable brand name.
2. its a cheap ass box of cereal.
d. I like cereal (unlike some idiots who shall remain nameless who would never settle for cereal, they would much rather take advantage of their host's; generousity, but I digress.)

the worst thing about seller bros. is that they don't have staples. well they do, but its all brands that are not familiar. sometimes it feels like instead of buying strawberries, I'm buying what equates to purchasing a 'rolex' on the streets of nyc. I'm afraid to buy milk there. I go to the refrigerator there and I'm terrified that its going to be 'malk' like in that episode of the simpsons. for fresh and real food you have to go to the 'regular supermarket', or as I've dubbed it 'where da playaz at.'

some of the brand names at seller bros. are great. they have ramen noodles. do you really need to get ramen at a discount?

I'm going to eat some cereal now,
toucan stan


happy st. patty's day, everyone. I'm going to get trashed, not because of the day, but because its monday.



let's try this again....

63. I have an amazing memory. I can remember small things from long ago, like what I wore and had packed in my lunchbox on my first day of preschool 21+ years ago. but I can't remember even the first 3 digits of a phone number five minutes after someone gives it to me.
64. I can visualize almost any woman alive naked, and through my scientific research in which I later remove the clothing of some of those women, my visualizations are remarkably accurate.
65. when atmospheric conditions are just right, I can let out a fierce blech that eventually snowballs into a typhoon that causes billions of rupees' worth of damage and leaves thoughs of people homeless along the indian coasts. it is for this reason that I only drink carbonated beverages when they are mixed with alcohol.
66. I am the highest paid member of the professional bullshitters circuit.
67. I woo women with my sensous and godlike guitar playing.
68. I am a private citizen, yet I receive fan mail.
69. I am a summa cum laude cunning linguist.
70. I have been caller #9 and won the backstage passes.
71. children trust me
72. parents love me
73. I am on a tenure track at an ivy league school, the subject: bullionairesophy.
74. I know the exact location of every food item at central market.
75. 6 or 9 years ago I discovered the meaning of life, but I forgot to write it down.
76. I know how to say 'I have fucked your mother' in five languages.
77. it takes a team of paleontologist to decipher my drawings.
78. my best dishes are pretty fattening, yet people can't stop eating them because they taste so good.
79. on some nights I am able to have more drinks paid for me than a bus full of hot girls.
80. bar signs, glasses, memorabilia, etc. tend to dissappear under bar tenders' noses when I'm around.
81. I always remember where I parked the car.
82. if given enough time, I will grow on any one person like an ivy. I am just like crack--powerfully addictive. yet, I will not cause all of your teeth to rot and fall out.
83. my punctuation sometimes betrays me,
84. in some issolated amazonian villages my nail clippings are used as currency.
85. I am a force to be reckoned with that can palm a medicine ball.
86. I have consulted with the pope, and he told me it was okay to have a mistress. (ok, I'm kidding about his approval, but I have talked to him).
87. it was the sight of the hugeness of le tunacan that drove brian wilson insane.
88. I once went to a bachelor party, and I ate the entire cake before anyone could tell me there was a stripper in it.
89. I framed roger rabbitt.
90. if these two girls hadn't been present I would have punched lance bass in the face.
91. and cosmonaut boy would have thanked me for that.
92. I have smoked cuban cigars with some of texas country music's finest.
93. I am currently applying for a spot at the united nations.
94. my initial application was denied on the grounds that I had an improper flag, the seal was janet reno giving austin's leslie a handjob.
95. I was anna kournikova's first husband. she's 10 months overdue on the allimony.
96. I almost birdied the 2nd hole of golf I ever played. my longest eagle was a 225yd 3wood at lost creek country club.
97. at one time I was the youngest certified cpr instructor trainer in the nation.
98. I have driven a segmented metro bus.
99. some may say that my high five was partially responsible for vincent young's commitment to texas.
100. the day the horns win another football championship I will fall to my knees and thank the lord for making me a horn.

I had actually finished my '6 or 9 things about me' list, but blogger ate it. maybe I'll repost it tomorrow. but all I can tell you for now is that it was truly awesome.

as if you didn't know,

war texas getting the #1 seed in the south
war me spreading my seed
war the blister on my left thumb from raking the yard
war wide feet
war twinkle toes
war blistered feet

who's coming with me to the final four in nola?
bus driver

...ok so now the sun is out. this weather is so fickle, but I'm not complaining. I wish I had someone to go kayaking with. instead I'm going to blow my dividend at rei. I'll be there if you need me.

or you could call me, I hear that works too.

holla at cha boy?

p.s. the new heineken comercial featuring the jigga man is badass. check it.

f the dixie chicks
f texas tech
f the gunk in truman's ears that won't go away
f this rain that derailed my plans

f the haters

I wish I knew what I know now when I was younger,
the faces


eddie murphy has nothing on me

thankfully I made it through everything today. I have been up and active for 19 hours and we are still not done. there's something about this that would make me feel dirty if I were awake enough to feel anything at all. the dark circles around my sunken eyes might give one the impression that I am a heroin abuser, but my ever disappearing six-pack would dissuade anyone from believing that for a second.

I am surprisingly not crabby right now. I usually get downright ornery when I get so little sleep. adrenaline is my second best friend. there are some things that I need to get off my chest, but my friends are either: 1. drunk, or c. druuunk. I think I am just too lethargic to have an in depth ‘s.r.t.’ errrrrr…conversation with anyone right now. I’m also convinced that I’m seeing things…things that are not even there? perhaps I’m trying to read too much in between the lines.

am I right side up or upside down? I frankly don’t know sometimes. let’s hope I’m not reaching the end of my emotional tether.

enough delirious ramblings for today.

p.s. tomorrow I'm going horseback riding and doing some fishing. truman really needs the exercise and I need the r&r.


I hope this bastard's balls are suspended over a tub full of pit vipers as they slowly pour a coke over him.

it would take an army of schwarzenegger clones armed with rail guns to erase this smile off my face


definition of pure greatness


I need to be mushroom slapped out of his funk

this weather sucks. we got a little tease earlier this week, but now its back to the same ol' jaded suckton routine. the sun's hidding again, the likes of which have not been seen since noah's time. I bet this city is going to morph into a wasteland any day now. this lack of sun is really messing up my body clock as well. sometimes I feel like my left arm is going to fall off my torso like that grooving zombie in jacko's 'thriller' video.

oh yeah, my sinuses start acting up at night. maybe its that creepy mist/fog that drifts in when I'm walking truman at night.

at least I hope its the sudden drop in the mercury. my head gets all stuffy and as a result, I've become capt. lethargic due to my lack of some decent rest. capt. lethargic can be identified by his feet-dragging walk, unwillingness to do anything involving physical effort and frequent use of the phrase, 'yeah, whatever.'

I got up somewhat early (earlier than usual for me) today because my body has grown accustomed to it. this is a good thing during the week when I actually have to do something productive, but awful when I'm planning on hibernating through the entire weekend. I wish it were something that I could turn on and off.

oh yeah, so I bit my tongue this morning. my mouth was instantly flooded with the all too familiar taste of copper. I shook off the initial sting, and got myself an icee. aaaaah. there was a time when I was addicted to the icee. I'd have 6 or 9 a week, usually before football film sessions. it's nature's perfect food. I still haven't gotten too old for an icee (some places call them 'frozen cokes' *ahem* movie theater, for fear of trademark infringement, but they are good nonetheless; just ask av), but my habit has cooled...no pun intended.

I dropped my cousin off at pre-school this morning. wow talk about a target rich environment. that is if you are into the milf thang, ha. even though I was looking foxy in my medium starched shirt, I decided not to use it's s i g n i f i c a n t powers on the unsuspecting mothers. I decided to get an icee instead of turning into a homewrecker. morals...who knew I had them?

I'm slowly turning into an old man.

if at first you don't succeed dust yourself off and try again,
c.o. jones


I'm still alive, barely...but kickin' and screaming none the less.

the cougars


keep on, keep keeping on

31. you haven't lived until you: have been certified as a bullionaire, have eaten the worm, have bailed a drunk friend out of jail, have barebacked a donkey, climbed a moon tower, had your ego write a check that your body couldn't cash, and have seen a mig 28 do a 4g negative dive.
32. before I even took an actual class in college I was already a sophomore with a 4.0 gpa.
3.3. if taylor hawkins is my only competition, then I have nothing to fear
34. I know I can fold him like a pup tent
35. mud pies are quite nutritious
36. I wish that whoopie goldberg, fred durst, sheryl crow and alec baldwin would drown in a bucket of fuck.
37. my real world cast would be: melissa and dan from miami (he's there for affirmative gay action purporses only), kelly from nola, ruthie from hawaii, keri and theo from chicago, trashelle and brynn from vegas, mike from london, lindsey from seattle, oh yeah and that morally casual jewish chick from chicago.
38. my real world cast from hell: the whole seattle crew (sans lindsey), beth from l.a., david from nola, that fag jay from london, that weird bitch from hawaii, and flora from miami.
39. it is a well known fact that the girls from road rules are cooler and hotter than the chicks from the real world.
40. the above does not apply to: effie from the second season, and that oppressed bitch from semester at sea...oh yeah and bleu from europe because of her mullet.
41. I have ten fingers and ten toes
42. I don't wear any jewelry, yet I'm the most bling bling dude that you'll come across
43. I have met george w. bush several times
44. in fact, one time we were both using urinals that were next to each other
45. ...no, I did not check out his junk
46. I have drank one of our senators under the table...errr pool table.
47. the 'bd bears' are the kinkiest creatures on the face of the earth.
48. sec girls are greatly overrated
49. oh but I love them so much and they love me back.
50. I would not be typing this for you to read had my great grandfather not lost this ticket on the titanic over a game of cards on that fateful day.
51. I hear he lost it to some bohemian artist who ended up drowning like a pussy.
52. sasquatch lives
53. my list is getting more top heavy that one of hugh heffner's girlfriends.
54. if carrot top is not the anti-christ, then oprah is dangerously close to being it.
55. I wish the genitals of osama bin laden, saddam hussein, hugo chavez and all of the backstreet boys and n'sync would be infested with the fleas of a thousand camels.
56. I have a hard time retaining urine in my bladder whenever I heard the story about k56f56i56's dog.
57. 'forcing a tulip' is the funniest non-intentional porn I have ever seen/heard.
58. I still can't decide which is more fun: sending a ten page fax, or taking a long piss.
59. I try to avoid sleeza and the barflies like the plague.
60. le tunacan is a f o r c e to be reckoned with.
61. it generates its own gravitational field and it doesn't not have a weakness like the deathstar.
62. big brother is watching and frankly I don't care.

to be continued...

another marketing ploy?

at what point does a radio station cease to be 'the new...'. everyone that knows me well is aware of my love for the gansta tunes. and unfortunately h-town is now a two rap radio station town these days. the elder statesman that is 97.9 the boxx (yes, that's two xx's) has been well established in this city since at least '92, and I estimate that it has a firm grip on this town's hip-hop and r&b market. in comes this other operation, 104.9. their angle is that they are the n e w station, they are a bit more hardcore and I find myself favoring its rawer edge than the sometimes sissified spurts that the boxx goes through. which is all fine and dandy...except that they force the callers to say the party phrase that pays each time they are on the air. its not much of a tongue twister, but it still pisses me off at how long it is, that is why I'm never going to call them..ever.

for all hip-hop all the time, I jam to the NEW one-oh-four-nine,
104.9 clone


this is a post of exhultant joy...

so much for lent...looks like my johnson will be spared after all. the 'goose' in me let out a collective sigh today. but all was not free of agitation in stanville, superfans. just last week I had vowed to donate my penis to science if I was still single by the time I reached 30. thank god it doesn't have to come to that, all due to the most bitchin' girl out there.

you are all invited to the bash,
jb and kg

p.s. the fun and games had to end eventually. and so the countdown for me to get my shit together has begun. stay tuned.

those crazy cajuns...

me: what did you give up for lent?
stacy: ...video poker

that is the best sacrifice I've heard of so far.

I gave up girls in case you were wondering,
jon brenham from the 'real world: l.a.'

6 or 9 things about me...

1. I am the oldest of 3 boys. woe is me.
2. I think our society is a society that loves to shift blame. I think parents of today thinks it’s everyone else’s fault but their own when their kids get in trouble or do something stupid. and I think the decline of strong parenting and raising tough, independent kids can be directly linked to the rise in popularity of children’s bicycle helmets.
3. I’m confident enough in my sexuality to admit to being a former fan of a wedding story on tlc, although it has all gone to shit so now I've been watching a lot of the food network. bam!
4. my freshman year of college I had 3 girls simultaneously and justly call me an a-hole. hat trick, baby! one year later that figure rose to 4, and a year later 6 girls locked me into my room and let me have it, I pretended to be really sorry and never spoke to those psychotic bitches again.
5. my favorite dixie chick is not the fat one, or the lazy-eyed fiddle player…which I guess leaves the other one. whatever the fuck her name is.
6. at this very moment that are about 7 girls that are madly in love with me, they just don't know it yet. I would seriously consider dating 2 of them (hey! I gotta keep my options open).
7. my birthday is pretty much insignificant. last time I saw one of those 'famous people born on this day' cards I believe the most notable name I found was secretariat.
8. I am absolutely, positively sure I could win a season of the amazing race, even though I’m not all that fond of the possible prospect of having cooperating with the team of token homosexuals.
9. if I ever wanted to get back at one of my single friends, I might set them up with the annoying chick in the shotgun seat of that mitsubishi eclipse commercials.
10. I think jenna von oy, better known as blossom’s friend 'six', is due to lay down for playboy any day now...and while we’re at it how about tapanga from 'boy meets world'?
11. I think that dirty vegas' 'days go by' video is brilliant.
12. if I ever wanted to bring an old flame back, I would probably not attempt to do so with a boom box and a piece of cardboard. a ouija board, maybe.
13. I've never touched a ouija board, but I've had many consultations with the magic 8-ball.
14. I’ve thought I was in love with nearly 69 different girls.
15. when I said girls, I really meant chicks. I don’t think I could be friends with someone who deemed the word ‘chick’ offensive to females.
16. a couple of those times I was in wrong (what was I thinking!) like the one who dumped me for a much older dude, or the one that upon closer inspection had awfully thick ankles...cankles, if you will. cankles, if you won’t.
17. the remainder of which I’d like to think would kick themselves if they had any idea what I was doing or the man I’ve become. their loss.
18. I don’t understand why the long-haired dumbass in the 'smirnoff' drink responsibly commercials slices his own tires when it would be much easier or cheaper to either toss his car keys in to the woods, or give them to one of his friends. that should give you an idea of the logic of a chick drink drinking cheesedick's logic.
19. I am a strong believer in wearing a belt if your pants have loops, and tucking your undershirt into your boxers. boxer briefs, mind you. unless I’m wearing jeans, then I’m sure to be free ballin’
20. I’ve never watched an entire nascar...errr neckcar event or hockey game.
21. while I prefer to not get too close to chicks who are taller than me, I’d probably make an exception for nic kidman.
22. if you are a girl and you have a boyfriend; doesn't it piss you off that he isn't as cool as me?
23. if you are a dude; don't you wish you were as money as I?
24. I once folded a guy in the middle of sixth street because I didn't like his glasses, and because he forcefully grabbed my friend by the arm.
25. that is one of the favorite stories that nathan loves to tell about me.
26. wg is particularly fond of the 'what's up rogaine?' one.
27. I love to listen to rap, I think I'm 'blacker' than most black kids I went to school with.
28. in a perfect world there would be a high five waiting to happen around every corner, my weekends would really be like a beer commercial year around (not just during the fall), and every titty dancer would really be a pre-med or pre-law major.
29. I believe with all my heart that strippers are the lowest lifeforms on earth. if you want to kid yourself by thinking you could date one of them, you are a fool. she makes more money than you, she probably dates 4 or 5 other chumps like you at the same time, they have table manners of a neanderthal, and they aren't 'working their way through school'.
30. I find that there is nothing sexier than knowing that a girl is wearing a pair of thongs.




happy birthday, you know who.

ab immo pectore,


evil mario

I knew it! super mario was convertly brainwashing us with his propaganda campaign. and to think that we thought he was just a harmless plumber with a ridiculous paisan accent. this gives solid evidence that you should keep your children's young impressionable minds away from video games. encourage them to read playboys instead. ain't no harm done when starring at tits.

peace out homies.

I can't believe how much I rule

somehow friday night someone spread a rumor that I had a girlfriend. I never even told anyone this. I was not aware of this until we were on our way to la tapatilla after leaving the club. the explains my incredible night. its amazing, shocking even, how keen girls are into the taken guy vibe. case in point:

- at the rodeo, this girl that I know from hs was all over me like white on rice. I'm still debating whether it was the 'all access' pass that was hanging from my neck or my overall neglect that had her sweating me like I was the last pepsi in the desert. she asked me where we were headed afterwards...I sent her to a bar on the opposite side of town from where we were really going to be. suck on that.

- at lizzards this older woman was digging my shit. the more I avoided her the more she wanted my attention.

- when ordering a drink at europa this girl offered me a kiss if I got her a drink, I got her nothing.

- I gave the bartender no tip, and she still took my drink orders.

I rule,

nathan wind as cochese


favorite music videos

these are the videos that I feel best convey the meaning of their corresponding song, or are totally revolutionary in their concept.

- radiohead 'karma police'
the whole christinesque car plot totally tripped me out, and the ironic ending at the end made me cream my jeans.
- u2 'starring at the sun'
this was the first video that matched my visualization of a song.
- dave matthews band 'crush'
this was the second video that matched my visualization, simply sensational.
- pete yorn 'strange condition'
- dirty vegas 'days go by'
- guns n' roses 'november rain'
the jewel of the 'use your illusion' releases, this video is simply e p i c
- tenacious d 'wonderboy'
this is a serious video.
- beastie boys 'sabotage'