
hedonism and debauchery has quickly become my way of life, these sat prep course words are far too diffucult to pronounce after twisting off a few tops. it seems the main allure of my afternoons is that they often offer a refreshing backdrop to my otherwise boring life. tedious in comparison to my morning routine. that of trying to round up enough money that folds instead of the one that jingles to buy beer. I frequently make a trip to the holy of holiest machines; coinstar, and exchange my voucher for pics of dead presidents, which soon find a suitable home in my wallet. I stock up on refreshments and let my new bottled friends lounge in my ice box. after work lets out I usually place or receive a call from friends who are out of school for the summer. prior to such an event the beer around here flows slower than the flow through bob dole's narrow urethra. its night and day, let me tell you. even funnier is the shit has seems to be happening to us lately. cool crap just seems to fall on our laps.

drunken ferry boat woman
swaying on your sea
if I turn on the gasfire
by the rain rattled window
won't you sail over to me

the hail storm tumbles
the rail line rumbles
you move on the porch with me
on an overcast day
the pale winter city
an afternoon's debauchery

your blouse your skirt
undo them so gently
with beautiful care
I'm a lonely man
with five bottles of wine
I'd like you to share


orange street light
afternoon becomes night
you drink your wine from a mug
there's cats at the backdoor
the snow it two inches
you roll down your tights on the rug

david gray 'debauchery'

ain't life grand?


back by popular demand...sometimes finding a suitable topic for an entry is harder than a 14 year old boy slow dancing with anna kournikova. this is a gentle analogy of the troubles I'm having today. 4 days, and I'm well aware I haven't posted. in true slacker fashion I've put it off until the pressure from my readers is too great to withstand. I have tried to write 6 or 9 times within this dry spell. the results have been incredibly dissapointing, merely amuzing at best. if I have time to slack, I will slack like the best of them.
usually, the pressure suits me and brings out the best in me. occassionally, however, I fail like a quadruplegic juggler and I end up presenting my readers with a lovely gastrointestinal trophy. I ain't going to lie, this is what we have here today. as such, this entry might as well be written on toilet paper.

always in search of inspirato...
kg and jb


hook 'em


no shit sherlock!

What Flavour Are You? I tashte like Alcohol.I tashte like Alcohol.

Heh. Heh. I taste like beer. I like beer. Buy me a beer. I'm not drunk, I can drink plenty without... What was I saying? Beer. What Flavour Are You?


fuck is it friday? this whole time I was thinking it was thrusday. I need to quit sucking on the bottle.
anywho, without further ado I give you:

friday five

1. what's the last vivid dream that you remember having?
I'd rather not say, but concert kate knows all the 'juicy' details.

2. do you have any recurring dreams?
of course, with such a wild imagination how could I not be a recurring [sic] dreamer? I keep dreaming that I'm a heisman trophy finalist and that britney spears in single (hey I've been having these since she was all hugged up with timberdrip) and I somehow get her to go with me to the awards ceremony, and hang out with me all weekend. yeah I know, that's why they are called dreamzzz people.

3. what's the scariest nightmare you've ever had?
'last night I had me a nightmare. dreamed that texas was burning down, and the people I'd grown up to love leaving town....' pat craven green

4. have you ever written your dreams down or considered it? why or why not?
perhaps. I know I must have done it for a school assignment of sorts. and I'm sure I just made up a dream right before class and jotted it down on a piece of college rule paper.

5. have you ever had a lucid dream? what did you do in it?
yes. I opened my window and I flew back to austin peter pan style.

hello hippies,

trying to finallize my weekend plans, that is the only thing keeping me from going into a tizzy. everything is lined up and going well. all the plans sound badass, indecision is a motherfucker. the funny thing is, out of all these plans the most tempting one is to go hog hunting with just a bowie knife. that's right, we'll be ridding in the back of a pick up cornering poor little ferral swine. and ambushing them with dogs, our brawn, and a 12 inch blade of cold steel. I must quell my ravenous tendencies. whatever, I'm a gambling man by nature. I'm sure you can tell by my previous adventures and the shady types I associate with. I'm like that guy in 'kung-fu', walking the earth, taking risks.

so I'm dogsitting my friend's dog again. last night I took fred and truman out for a post midnight walk. if you could really call that walking, really. it was more like me constantly trying to keep truman from straying too far, while at the same time, trying to keep fred from rolling on another dog's crap. let's just say that fred has a fondness for the dookie. not to mention that I think its funny that they follow each other and pee on the same spot. I call it their urine train. truman is the cabooze, and pees on one side of the street and moves to another spot, while fred brings in the rear covering up all the spots with his own piss. dogs are funny. do they ever fully empty their bladder? 'fully empty' is that an oxymoron? if it is, please treat me with cruel kindness, I beg of you. man, I kill myself.

I will avenge the death of my shaolin masters,


tonight in austin:



did you know they have elementary school commencements now? so, I get invited to this girl's graduation, and I haven't a clue what grade she's graduating from, or even how old she is. buy her a present and I'm thinking 'hey I know she's not old enough to drive, so maybe she's graduating from middle school'. the nice lady at the greeting card store helped me pick out a nice high school freshmanhood themed card. gift check, card check, coat and tie double check. I call her mother and I get directions to the school and as I'm pulling into a parking lot I find out its an elementary school.
christ, when did our society go 'event crazy'? seems that everyone is looking for an excuse to extract presents from friends and family now. when did all of this happen? must have been during the drunken haze I call college. I get out and next thing I know grooms are even having showers. they call them 'honey-do' showers, and the whole purpose of them is to give the bethroed young man the neccesary tools to build spice racks, bookshelves, or if they are feeling saucy, a weekend project out of the time life wood shop books. I plan on milking everyone for tools when my time to get hitched comes so, I can fashion wedding altars out of one solid piece of wood for my friends.

j.c. was a carpenter,
kevin rawley


I apologize for not being as verbose during these past few days as I have been in the past. you could say I've been having a lot of fun running around and getting into trouble. watch out, I'll be coming to a town near you soon. in the mean time, check out these sites I've compiled during my web surfing sessions:

chad from road rules is selling his bikes from the rw-rr challenge.

bizarro mullets.

and to think I've been accused of having too much time on my hands.


finally, a poll we are sure to lead for a long, long time; texas is #1.

for immediate release

May 21, 2002 - West Canaan, TX - Weblogger Stan Gable Jr. was named the World's Greatest Dude today. This prestigious honor, awarded by the Texas Alpha Chaper of the Short Bus Foundation goes to the guy that everyone in the world agrees is the greatest dude. In the closest race to date, Gable edged out Allen Iverson and Bill Brasky to take the title. Gable gained 30.2 percent of the votes, while Iverson had 28.3 percent and Brasky had 26.5 percent. No other people received a significant amount of votes. This year's competition brought out a record number of voters. While final numbers are being tallied still, it is excpected that close to 6,217,419,069 people voted in this year's competition. When told of his winning Gable had released this statement, "is this really a shock to anyone? I expected to win. there's no reason that I shouldn't have won last year, I got screwed. what has Jebus done to deserve this honor? last year it was just a popularity contest. this year, the people recognized true greatness in voting for me. and that's all I got to say about that." Gable is expected to be in the running for many years to come. If he doesn't come away with at least 25 of these awards, it would have to be considered a disappointing career. A young man named Beano Cook told the West Canaan Bee, "I voted for Gable because he is my idol. I wish I could be just like him but I know I can't. A guy can dream though, can't he?"


salgo del cuarto a descansar
de una cama vacia y sin arreglar
de tu perfume
por fin en la calle
de pronto me pierdo
entre la gente que sale de un cine
y tu apareces, como una sombra
en cada calle que cruzo, en cada rostro sin nombre
en cada esquina te escondes
en cada noche que cae
en cada dia que rompe
siempre te llevo
a flor de piel, a flor de piel
con tus labios todavia a flor de piel

ya no soporto mas el recuerdo
de aquella noche de luna llena
perdido en tus brazos
entro en un bar me quiero aturdir
alguien me habla
y no puedo evitar
que tu aparezcas
como una sombra
en cada frase que oigo
cada mentira que digo
cada palabra te nombra

en cada noche que cae
en cada día que rompe
siempre te llevo
a flor de piel

4 days?...has it been that long? did you miss me? I know you did. roger creager said it best, "having fun all wrong"

that's all I have to say 'bout that,

forrest forrest gump


my life is now complete.

a valet's worst nightmare.

memories of the 69th annual mudfest, this site could have come in handy for our quest.

guess what I'm doing today? well besides getting into trouble, that's always a given...

may the force be with you


Take the "what cereal mascot are you" quiz

come on pelicans!
antonio montana

after the tournament was the post-tourney concert, the following took place:

1. ryno's funny/drunk ass conversation with this married cousin back in mizzou.
2. nathan's attempt to whisper sweet nothings into her ear
3. our drunk asses going to church and trying our hardest not to fall asleep
4. went to mother's for dinner
5. me giving the lady cooks a standing ovation for the wonderful po' boy they made me
6. our waitress saying "what kind of sweetness you want with your tea, baby?"
9. going back the casino instead of driving back home
10. making the casino our bitch, again
11. coming back home at 11:30pm and thinking we were going to drive back
12. waking up at 6am to drive back
13. baton rouge, and completely forgetting about a.b.w.
14. the truckstop



news from el rancho: claudio the rooster has been snuffed.

jerry cantrell

playing with my money is like playing with my emotions....well not really. but s.s. pulled a fast one on me last sunday. she promised me that a certain girl, from a certain school in the SEC would meet us there (compaq classic). not so, but she knows me too well and used my weakness to get me moving. the attending parties got all ready, and we headed out to the english turn course. I swear we crossed a bridge over the mighty mississipuh that was taller than all the building in he downtown NOLA skylight. cajuns are some bridge building fools. once across the pond we we got led into this clandestine vip parking lot, that put us right at the 15th tee box. we watched jesper 'employer of hot nannies' parnevik sink a par on 14th we begun our mad search for the accenture skybox on the 16th green. once we got two things we didn't need: more sun, and more alcohol. I was already burned to a crisp, but the blood pumping through my alcohol system was keeping me alive and kicking. after seeing the skinny swede, aka jesper, hole out again we decided to take in the tournament sights. we bought $5 worth of powerball tickets which afforded us the chance to spin this prize wheel. the funny thing, ryno kept spinning and winning junk, but he was so indesive that finally the poor lady in charge gave him a bag full of stuff. at one point s.s. bought a $5 stick of chapstik, talk about a rip off, I will never bitch about having to play 3 bucks for a beer again. at least a beer will get you drunk, what does a chapstik give you? pretty lips? yeah I like I need that.
right around 3pm we got done with all the sight seeing bullshit and headed to the skybox at the 18th green, were the big dogs hang out. somehow we got handed a pair of passes to the 'paradise tent'. which nate's and I starving asses quickly accepted. cracked open our program and found its location in relation to the 18th green, as we were making our way there two giant astroids came together. that of the greatness of the elk and I. it was a grand moment. nothing was said, we just traded glances...he knew what was up, and I 10-4'ed it. he caught my ut vibe, he knew the BMOC had made it down to nola and he was happy. we went on to birdie that hole, and I belive I had contributed to that.
after nate and I got our caBooze back on track and on to the 'Dise tent we were told lunch was over. so we did what we had done that whole weekend: just to have liquid meal consisting of all the major liquor groups. walking back to our chairs I happened to catch this milf in a spead eagle position, I totally got to look down the pipe. it was nice. unfortunately, when I sat down the table leg was smack dab in the way, and I didn't want to pull the 'giraffe' for fear of getting caught. it was short lived for she left 6 or 9 minutes after I had sat down. as usual, we got kicked out of there. no problem, back to the 18th we went.
the rest of the tournament was uneventful, kage choi won it wire to wire, an impressive feat. but the real action happened after the winning putt was sunk.
up at the 18th skybox, the greatness of will clark was pounding beers after beers. and after the tournament was over he reached in the beer cooler and proceeded to stuff them full of suds. funny shit. we went up and raided the smoked salmon and the sandwich ring they had. everyone cleared out and we were the last ones standing up there. this band started playing after the trophy was presented, the bucktown all-stars, so we took all the beers there were left and stuffed them into our louisiana state lottery bag along with a bunch of ice. we late came to find out s.s's purse was in there as well, whoops.
we made it down by the stage, and at one point they started passing around a full bottle of cuervo gold. which everyone was afraid to touch. like stink on shit, we were soon all over that one. nate took the first swig, and I followed with a massive pounding. all was good until we passed it along to 'kyle' from southpark. again, ryno was already drunk of the beer and he had no clue was he was about to do. so he took a big gulp, tequila went in, food came out. I'm telling you this guy is a pro, he can puke on the run, standing, at a bar, shit anywhere. we got away from the spot and proceeded to watch the whole limbo line step on it. what nice like 'inside' joke, we couldn't stop laughing.
we left before the band stopped playing, for our drunkasses had to get back to drive home. but not before going to chruch mind you. miss debbie thought it was a good idea to stop at these people's house. some big dealership owner, but we turned it down for fear of making fools of ourselves. by this time, ryno was already in 'loud mouth mode'. she put us on a shuttle, and we were the only ones in it. the two drivers were not moving, and nathan and ryno were being asses to them, it was funny. we were also spreading the ol' "heeeey dooork!" love to the people walking by the short bus. this one kid flipped us off, and his dad smacked him upside the head. poor little guy. shitty story I know, hey I'm in a hurry and most of you keep bitchin' about new posts. everyone that was there knows stuff went on that I choose not to talk about, consider yourselves lucky. I'm in a hurry, gotta get shit done before I leave early for the 'stros game tonight.

"I'm going to have sex with the first girl on this bus I see when I turn around"
-- ???

lafferty, daniel


4:07am and I'm back from a mini-outting. this time last week I was drunk at the red eye grill. oh what could have been. I don't feel like recapping, for I am in no condition at this present moment. this bum will have plenty of time to do that mañana.

I'm out,

real world reject


fish don't fry on the kitchen
beans don't burn on the grill
it took a whole lot of tryin' to get me up that hill.
now were up in the big leaagues
gettin' our turn at bat

jeffersons theme song

...so after our energizing nap we all took showers. some of us took them in pairs, most of us in singles; we made a trip to the acme oyster house. we had about two dozen of the freshest, tastiest raw oysters I've ever had. not since the oysters rockefeller we had at antone's had I had such high a quality oceanic aphrodisiac. I walked out of there with a semi after eating that delish gumbo poopa, I know it sounds nasty but I'll be the fist to tell you it wasn't.
if I was flying at half mast when leaving acme, I was at a 21 gun salute when we walked through the pat o'briens courtyard. herbie, you weren't kidding. this courtyard is truly a babe haven. we got a round of the world famous pat o's hurricanes to make our wait to get into the piano bar a tad bit more enjoyable. once inside the piano bar it was crazy. you clausterphobes stay away, for this place if very very crowded, but rocking nonetheless. after putting away two or 3 hurricanes in my tank, I was ready to give dead presidential love to the piano players. and my first request, those of you who know me well can pretty much guess what it was. "chopsticks" I'll have to say, it wasn't as good as my donn's depot version, but it was still funny to see everyone's reaction. next, some old guy jumped on stage. he was wearing a polyester suit and started playing a tray. yeah, as weird as it may sound this dude was playing an aluminum tray, it was something I've never seen before, pretty amusing. we made our song requests, ryno really rocked the house with his "jeffersons theme" request, I represented with my "texas fight", and nathan got shafted on his "the road goes on forever" we should have taken back the 5 bones from that crusty bitch that was behind the piano. no harm no foul.
s.s. couldn't hang so she took the rambler back home. nathan and I were left to fend for ourselves on rue bourbon. the mothership was calling, and it was out duty to set foot inside the tropical isle for a hand grenade or two. I must say I was in far better condition than the last time I was up on the balcony. no beverages were spilled on shirt-less guys this go around.
so we had a couple of beers, 4 hurricanes and 2 handgrenades a piece and we were ready to turn this mother out. a bit disoriented we just started walking. we've been in that state before, and before we knew it we were past the butt pirate. those of you that are familiar with the bourbon st. lay out, are well aware what lies beyond that swash buckler. sense dulled by 'cohol and our anal sphicters pluckered up we braved the walk. had some late night burgers at clover grill and due to our short fundage we had to walk our bill. I mean, what were those sissies going to do? kick our ass? yeah right.
down to our last 20 bucks and not enough money to get us home we made it to the desperate man's mecca, harrah's casino. cashed our andy jackson for a few chips and put our balls on the chopping block. cards were dealt and nathan signaled for a hit, but the dealer didn't catch his gesture and dealt herself a card. of couse, he lost. he was ready to walk away then I said "hey you jewed us, he motioned for a hit". she called the pit boss, they checked the cards and we were given our money back. at this point we could have walked away with our 20 and called allie b. to come pick us up at 4:45am. but, that would have been too easy for some hombres locos like ourselves. we dove right back in the game. we won the next two hands and walked out of there like champs, $25 bucks on top.
we got on a cab and this guy had no idea were the house was. I don't remember giving him directions but apparently they worked for we got home safe. so we walked around to the back porch and of course we couldn't open that pesky lock. I sent nathan around to the front door and told him "here take the key and try the front door". it must have gone in one each and out the other, because all the did was ring the doorbell and wake them up at 5am. oh well. coming up next, our trip to the compaq classic, and our liberal use of "hey dooooork"


act II scene II...enter two drunk dudes on their way back from landry's poboys. they find two attractive young ladies sitting at their host's dining table. the one known as guy mcbeerdrinker is instantly fixated on the sweet sorority girl from ole miss. he is having a hard time conversing with her, because s.s. keeps picking at the stray shrimps that keep falling out of his po' boy. they finish their lunches, in some cases breakfast, and being their departing routine. water bottles are packed into the soft cooler, and ice cold beer are passed out for the short drive to the fairgrounds.
fast forward to our arrival to the vip parking space at some lady's house. e-dawg has moved further up my scale by choosing to play "back that azz up". we finish our beers and they let me out of the back. this is were we meet our ticket scalper, I strike a deal and get nathan and I two ducats for $20 a pop. they look legit, but we are too drunk to care. in previous cases onces the money and the ducats exchange hands it usually marks the end of the transaction. but our provider stuck around with us. could it be that he thought he had a chance with one of the girls in our posse? maybe. or perhaps he thought I was going to share a beer with him? no way. he instead proceeded to tag along for the walk. in the process we went over this bridge atop a lake fed channel. I commented out loud that it was so hot it made me want to jump in, but I had doubts about the water's cleanliness. this is when this jort (jean shorts for those unaware) wearing, neon pink fubu shirt styling, tube sock sporting bigot said "you know it can't be that bad, the local black boys like to swim in it". I made some smartass comment about the irony of his clothing, and he sort of just got wondered off.
so we go into the place. set up camp, bought a shitload of miller lites. we set up our blanket and cooler quite a ways from the stage, and preceed to get sun burned like a motherfucker. for there wasn't a tree in sight. at one point power nate and I decided to walk around and see what the fest part of jazzfest was all about. we hit this fender guitar booth, and we strummed this really nice acoustic ax, bitchin'. next we hit about 6 or 9 food stands. and, I now know what it feels like to walk in tony bourdain's shoes. the food there was INCREDIBLE, there was a roman orgy of flavors in my palate. the crawfish stuffed puff was a true winner, followed by the jambalaya. jimmy's set was pretty standard, nothing out of the ordinary. I did strike up several conversations with some texas grads. they all wanted to know how much austin had changed in the past year. I got the feeling there was a general consensus about austin being quite possibly one of the coolest cities you could live in. I'll have to agree.
after the show we all walked through this old neighborhood. it was all very dmb "stay" videoesque. very festive. people were out on the streets singing and dancing. we got home and took like two hour naps....to be continued.

a touring cook


Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

Which Nokia handphone are you?

glad to be alive...after our near death experience, we found each other in the french quarter speed walking towards our rendezvous point, cafe du monde. once there nathan made a mad dash across the street to fetch us some frosty brews while we waited to meet up with our friends. who were taking their sweet ass time leaving their $1,800 diner, could you blame them? finally, our sauce mixed with theirs and it was a joyous event indeed. after a round of warm embraces we set out to find the "roll tide mobile" which would take us to the red eye grill. I was in the back seat soaking it all in, you could say I was like a pig in shit.
finding a place to park proved to be more difficult than we had anticipated. this was cutting into our alcoholic intake time, shit who are we kidding? the bars don't close there. unlike the oppressive tabc laws we must live under, fortunately louisiana is not regulated by such a beverage gestapo. we were in no man's land baby, no rules, you live to drink another day. we fashioned our own parking space and we prayed the rambler would still be there by the time we got back.
there was a short line outside of our destination. I, of course, was steering our ship of clowns, and I bypassed all the ID check bullshit. they knew we were on a mission, a mission from God. we had come to rock the haouze and kick some ace. while I got us a table, ryan got us a round of abitas. one round turned to two, and two became three. we needed a change of scenery at this point and moved our asses to the bar. bad idea gene...for nathan sprung for the night's first round of tequila shots. speaking of, never order tequila outside of texas. all they have is the commercial shit, cuervo gold. camel's piss for such tequila scholars like ourselves. we still drank it, nonetheless. thank the lord we were by the restrooms, because as soon as ryno downed it, part of his $1,800 meal was coming out of the sidehatch for fresh air. but I'll give him props for his puke and rally abilities. he hung like a champ the rest of the night. I soon bought us another round, and another.
then, I get the bright idea to leave the place to meet up with scuba girl's friends, since they weren't coming to the red eye grill. we found the car, and nathan asks for the keys. I'm still trying to determine who is stupider...nathan for driving or s.s. for letting him have the keys. we set course for tipitina's...I think. I was too busy taking and receiving calls from those who were back in texas who wanted a summary of the events that were taking place. then, we get a call from these girls, who were going to meet up with us at the red eye. nathan yanks the wheel and we go over this median. yeah we were in an suv, but this meridan was the mother of all meridans. the kind you need a sherpa to climb. he nearly high centered the rambler on that sumabitch. our inertia carried us across, but not before scraping the shit out of the undercarriage.
round two at the red eye is a bit of a blurr. we drank more beer and even more tequila. we got out of there and I managed to urinate twice in public whilst I was taking on the phone...or so I've been told. we were walking around and around and we noticed that we couldn't find the car. I grabbed the keys and I started pushing the panic button in hopes that the car would answer our signal of distress. nothing. s.s. gave up and sat on the sidewalk. so I got us a cab "akeem, prince of samunda style". we got it and went home sans a car.
the next morning I was up and at 'em early. I reached for the cooler and twisted a pop off a bud light to soothe my pain. one wasn't enough so I grabbed another one. then, s.s. and I set out to find her car. I was wearing her manicure flip flops, but I didn't care she was holding my beer and I was happy. we made a few passes around the last place any of us had any recollection of, nada. she was just about to call OnStar and I was in the middle of my "scent of a woman" story when she spotted her ride. the end.

confederacy of dunces

drunken observation...I said this while pounding cervezas in the car this weekend:

if minnesota is the land of a thousand lakes, then louisiana must be the land of a thousand bridges.



the ride...so we roll up to the big easy friday night. three sheets to the wind, and ready to rock. a direct effect of us drinking so many road sodas was us having an extra full bladder. which we quickly emptied when we pulled up to the front of the house. it just so happened that my friend's mom was getting dropped off at the same time we were watering the neighbor's bushes. so we had to engage in the ol' "zip and run" move. a quite risky manuver for amateurs, but only a measly task for seasoned veterans like ourselves. she lets us into the house (or haouze, as the cajuns tend to say) because the lock is quite tricky, which we came to find out soon. we quickly changed from our traveling garb into our "mack daddy denzel mode" attire.
next, I called a cab company and requested a rig to take us to "where da party at", the french quarter, where we were to meet our friends who were dining at bella luna that evening. ten minutes later I was outside waiting for him. he drove by, I waved at him and he acknowledge me back via the same hand signal. well, I must have misinterpreted that, maybe his wave was really an "ole!" because he just kept on driving and never turned around. by this time we are both outside the house and couldn't get back in because the lock was a bitch. I called my friend and asked her to call us another cab. right after I hung up I hear a car roaring down the street headed our way. it stops at the intersection in front of us for like a minute. I look at the driver, its a woman, and I asked her if she's going downtown. she replies "are you guys gambling?". "yeah" my friend answers back. "get in" she says, my friend calls shottie and I willingly yield the priveledged seat.
I have to move a baby seat out of the way. this is where it gets interesting. our asses aren't even firmly planted on the seats when she floors it and pulls about 6 or 9 g's on the first turn. she's driving her "fast & the furious"esque acura integra like its someone else's car. we are zig zagging in and out of traffic, and I'm having the hardest time trying not to spill my beverage. so I start putting two and two together: 20 year old mother, fast car, provocative clothing...then it hits me like a 747, holy shit! she's a stripper. we ask her where she's from, and she just starts rambling. we find out she "dances" at the gold club, she makes about $750 a night, has two daughters, how she's gotten thrown in jail numerous times for speeding, how her "babies daddy" busted her two side view mirrow. this girl was straight up jerry springer material, but very sexy looking.
I snap for a bit out of her stories to realize we are no where near the gold club. I start thinking "great she's going to take us in front of the nola mafia, and we are going to get robbed blind and dumped in the mississippi, shit I don't even have my gun on me". oh well, I've led a good life, and I left it all up to fate. then, she starts to give us advise about buying drugs there. she says everything you find on the street is fake, that if we want "good clean shit" she can hook us up. who does she think we are? anyway, we get to this secret parking lot, I guess all the strippers park here. we all get out of the car, but I had to untangle the baby chair, a diaper bag from my leg, and the seatbelt before I was able to free myself from the clutches of her rice burner.
so I get out of the car and at this point I feel like break dancing. I don't know if I should try to slip a $10 bill on her g-string, down her bra, or what. I've never been in this situation before, I was having a terrible dilemma. as we are walking out of the parking garage she invites us to visit her at work. she promises us a good time if we show up. we tell her we will. and I think we honestly were going to do that. but a little case of the "drunkeness" got in the way of our plans.



Friday Five (albeit a few days late)

1. What cologne or perfume do you wear?
dolce & gabbana, aqua di gio, and romance

2. What cologne or perfume do you like best on the opposite sex?
romance, herbal essence, and just plain "girl" smell in general. I don't know what it is about girls, but they smell great. not the same "great" smell as babies, a sexier and far more exciting scent.

3. What one smell can you not stomach?
that of human vomit. I think we are all inately programed to react the same way. sorta like a "fight or flight" reflex. and like a reflex, its involuntary, so you might as well join in on the puking fun, right? okay I'm going to stop right now, because I can see that my hole is getting deeper. next...

4. What smell do you like that others might consider weird?
fresh can of tennis balls, matches, and alcohol on a girl's breath.

5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?
went exactly as I planned and then some.


"baby doll"

evan and jaron

I'm back. its going to take me a while to organize my thoughts, and put it all down here. want to make sure I don't miss a thing. might even take a collective effort from all those of us who were present in n.o. to piece this rampade together.

well, I had a buddy back in ’81 and we
made ourselves a pact
we were headin’ for the new pipeline
we were never comin’ back
we worked 80 hours makin’ time
and a half but
la grange was too damn hot
so we drove back home here at the
end of that week
and we spent it all on shots


so I’ll see you in houston if I ever get
out that way
I’ll see you in dallas but I won’t have long to stay
if you’re ever out west, son
and you’re feelin’ like slowin’ down
I’ll see you around, ‘round my hometown

well, I played ball every single fall I could
run just like the wind
I went to college, like they asked me to, but
they didn’t ask my friends
I don’t think I seen single classroom but I
drank a lot of beer
my buddies still love to listen to me when I
talk about that year


now I got myself a little band
and we’re pretty good I guess
but I never learned how to wear my hair
and I never learned how to dress
so I’m leaving for the last time honey
I’m never more to roam
gonna pack my bags a little heavy this time
gonna head my ass back home

so, I’ll see you in nashville if I ever
get out that way
I’ll see you in austin but I won’t
have long to stay
if you’re ever out west, son
and you’re feelin’ like slowin’ down
I’ll see you around, ‘round my hometown

charlie robinson, my hometown

parts of this song mimic my life, or the other way around. we played it there and back this weekend. and I couldn't help but think of the stuff my friend and I had been through. we certainly added more stories to the treasure chest. be on the lookout for my recap of our epic stand at the casino. truly a classic.

laissez les bon temps rouler

our little cinco de mayo blowout in the big easy got a bit out of hand. midnight on monday and I'm still coming at you from new orleans, trying to sleep one off. first thing on the list when I get back home: voluntarily checking into the betty ford clinic. right after I give my dog a big hug, and a kiss on his wet puppy nose. I love this city so much, and it too loves me back. I wish everyone of you could experience one sixtyninth of the good times I've had this weekend. a monumental tasks awaits me in h-town. that is to write about this whole trip. I don't think I'm ever going to be able to convey every detail, every emotion, and every experienced I've been blessed to see, have, and feel. but I'll sure give it the ol' college try. speaking of college, you would not believe how much love for the 'horns this place has. I got props every where I went. as they say: membership has its priveledges. shit, I got us a badass table at the piano bar in pat o's because I graduated from texas. the piano player even played the eyes of texas for our crew. I think I'm going to devote an entry for every little story I have. getting a ride to the quarter from a stripper, meeting will clark at the skybox, my encounter with elk, spraying "heeey dork!" bull all over, making the casino our bitch, getting stranded on bourbon street, the clover grill, jazzfest, etc.

cash money millionaires


so I'm still in cajunland. I'm coming at you from a laptop, during a momentary lapse of soberness. 'tis the first time I've been sober (or close to being there) since we crossed the tx-la border on friday. this weekend has far exceeded whatever little expectations I had. it will make for some rather interesting entries, that's for sure. just to give you a glimpse into the events...we got a ride to the quarter from a stripper. holy shit, that will make for a badass story. she even invited us to see her at work. see her at work, ha. I'm high on life. okay, I gotta go scuba girl is mad at us for not being ready. we were supposed to be at the course an hour ago. that's what you get when you get home at 5:30am

vive le lance


so last night I was trying to pen a "redneck" country song. this is what I have so far:

daddy was a mean s.o.b.
he couldn't fight the war, 'cause of his blown out knee
he taught me how to fish,
he touched my sister kate.
you know in small towns
it happens that way.
oooh oooh oooh daddy I love you.

of course, I'm going to incorporate such redneck country song staples such as: chewing tobacco, various states of drunkeness, fist fights, beat up trucks, and the like.

"daddy" beta release v. 1.01

loyal citizens of estonia:

thank you for the invitation to engage in a weekend full of cammaraderie and deep sea fishing. unfortunately, your humble servant will be making a trip across the sabine river into cajun country. should any of you wish to join us, we shall receive you with a firm handshake and an ice cold shiner bock/abita in the other. there is plenty of room for all of you and your better halves. you'll know where to find me.

war rue bourbon
war antoine's
war longhorn baseball and chuy escuela
war chewie henley
war "heeeeey dork!"

i'm out,
g.w. bailey as capt. thadeous harris


I went to the zoo today. it was overrun with lots and lots of little kids. they were running and screaming everywhere. they even pushed me out of the way a few times. it found it rather funny. but you know what's not funny? their hot teachers. I need to hang out at the zoo more often, some fine looking ladies frequent that place.
so I was talking to this girl about my day time zoo escapade. and, she told me how she saw the actual free willy whale at an oregon zoo. I told her I knew who keiko was. she's the 'tard orce with the limp dorsal fin. just the mere thought of a 'tard whale cracks me up. just as much as my friend's cat having feline AIDS.

steve irwin

I wish it were the summer of '98...out of all my summers, this one stood out from the rest. it was my "summer o' fun". summer school was in session, which we all know brings out the provis, or provitamins as we used to call them. for those of you who do not know of this breed, it is one of much history and merriment. The "provi", short for provisional student, is the girl who is not quite smart enough to attend UT through direct admission, but must attend summer school to achieve the necesarry requirements for enrollment. from my experiences provis dropped out of school at a furious rate of around 90%. only the strong survived. those who did not make the cut had their reasons. my friends and I gave them most of the reasons: parties, booze, trips down the river, etc. no time to study. keep in mind these are impressionable girls who most likely belonged elsewhere, but were giving it a shot. it took only one taste of the college life for their UT careers to go down the proverbial tubes.
there was a time when we had a streak of biblical proportions. a keg every night, for two weeks. to this day I don't know how I pulled an "a" in the two classes I was taking that session. what kept me alive was the 4 caprisuns I consumed on my walk to class the morning after. fuck gatorade, caprisun is what cures what ails ya. the key to pulling the provi tip was to meet just one of them. befriend her, get her drunk, and invite her to all the "cool" parties you go to. next thing you know she's inviting all the girls in her room, the girls in her hall, and then the girls from her whole floor. good times, good times. why can't I meet more "provis"? I had it so easy back then...

van wilder


j-lo this one is for you, my ex sucks. maybe one day I'll be gracing this page as well.

this is right up my alley.

so I can't think of anything else besides my nola trip. another friend has decided he wants partake in the debauchery, and we will gladly take him under our wing. so space is filling up fast, if you want in we have room for one lucky soul. for the cooler gets to ride bitch.

now and then it keeps you running
it never seems to die
the trail's spent with fear
not enough living on the outside

never seem to get far enough
staying in between the lines
hold on to what you can
waiting for the end
not knowing when

may the wind take your troubles away
may the wind take your troubles away
both feet on the floor, two hands on the wheel,
may the wind take your troubles away

trying to make it far enough, to the next time zone
few and far between past the midnight hour
never feel alone, you're really not alone...

switchin' it over to AM
searchin' for a truer sound
can't recall the call letters
steel guitar and settle down
catching an all-night station somewhere in Louisiana
it sounds like 1963, but for now it sounds like heaven

may the wind take your troubles away
may the wind take your troubles away
both feet on the floor, two hands on the wheel,
may the wind take your troubles away.

mike the tiger