
I'll see you in austin...

if you ever head down that way.

in a few hours I'll begin travel for my sojourn in austin. before I leave I have to actually pack, make sure that truman is fed, and fill up the cooler...you know, important shiet like that.

again, I'll have the displeasure of flying solo but I'll be entertaining myself with many things. as you can imagine, among them listening to many compact discs. if you must know, I'll be spinning this all acoustic radiohead cd that I burned, as well as a gansta rap mix-cd as a standby. and I'll be tossing stuff out the window while driving down the highway late at night. of course, I cannot divulge that information.

this is the best I can come up with right now. are we bored or what? fuck it...till next time.


crazy old men

normally, work/errands/responsibility is boring and home is exciting. lately, it's like I am living in bizzaro world, because I've been bored silly at home. usually, I have a hard time leaving the house to go on about taking care of that day's bidness. I half expected to meet bizarro stan, who would obviously be attractive, fluent in francais, good with the ladies and probably no fun to be around at all. I would probably kick bizarro stan right in the vagina.

as I was moaning about being bored at 5:30am this morning, I remembered that because I now have replaced my putter's headcover denting it while in transit is no longer an issue. the weather was also perfect for an ol' fashioned dawn driving range session. I was so happy I think I came on myself a little bit. jesus tapdancing christ! I can't believe I just said that.

all you need to know is that if I were to walk through airport security with my 3-iron I would immediately be arrested on weapon charges. I think I'm finally progressing towards playing like ben hogan. consistently hitting my 3-iron longer and more accurate than my frankendriver. tomorrow I'm going to unleash the 2-iron that I kept sheathed today. gotta let the big dog hunt. by the spring I should be making plans to purchase a 1-iron. 'cause I'm old school like that.

rest of my day was rather bland. having the responsibility of interviewing new people is not as entertaining as I hoped it would be. I was, however, graced by the presence of a superfox today. she recently graduated with a degree in studio art and wore a nice business suit, which only makes her that much more humpable. it's times like these when I think about using the fact that I have her phone numbers for evil instead of good.

still, the rest of my day was a drag. if this continues, I'll be forced to interview each person in a different accent.

this evening I went shopping for a gift to send my cousin. after watching the end of 'joe schmo' (shit! which reminds me...I missed the premier of mtv's 'rich girls') I passed out. early to bed and early to rise makes life boring as fuck. don't listen to what everyone else has told you.

single:"black star"
album: the bends
artist: radiohead

p.s. if you are a girl and you don't like radiohead, you might as well come to the harsh realization that my juice will not mingle with your sauce...ever!


hi my name is stan and I'm a compulsive ebayer

I can't sleep. you know what that means. that's right pimps and pimpettes, LATE NIGHT EBAY MADNESS! this time its a h u g e 33 inch steel ball. that's two tons of pure steel. and now it's on its way to me. like I need this. where am I going to hang this and what bank will I rob so I can afford to ship this monster?

now aside from being ridiculously good looking, my other claim to fame will be my gigantic metal sphere.

dancing with the kentuckian devil...

am I the only one who experiences different types of drunken behaviors and hangovers according to the spirit consumed that night? bourbon is my nemesis, but oh I love it so.

in order to prove my theory right, I decided to mix a couple of shots of whiskey with some motor oil and pour it into the car. thirty-six hours have passed and I've noticed that the engine is running fine, but my car has trouble driving in a straight line.

I have yet to notice if my car is cocky. so far it doesn't have the tendency to want to steer toward other cars that are potentially more dangerous. these seem to be a side effects of bourbon. don't worry, if this occurs I will simply bitch slap it, and it will straighten up.

...I keep it real, derrty derrty you know how I do


I used to think I was a chick magnet. now I know better.

after today's events, its become apparent to me that I am actually an accident waiting to happen magnet. which might be even more exciting, in the "holy crap!" excitement department.

without going into much details, my brother fell through the attic today. I know him and my dad were moving some suitcases and boxes into the attic over the garage and I was supposed to help them. they asked me to help...several times. did I listen? no. so next thing I know I hear this muffled scream and I ran to see my brother's head poking out from the insulation. then my dad came, he nearly fell too.

anyway, my brother is fine. just a little beat up. I tried to fetch my brother's knee aircast to pump cold water into his knee, but of course my mom gave that shit away last year. if you ever let my mom come into your house, hide everything! anything of value that isn't being used or she deems it being 'wasted' will end up at a church sale or given to kids in some third world country (i.e about 3 of my old petzl headlamps, sleeping bags, dress shoes, cleats, jeans). everytime I can't find a pair of sneakers I know that some kid in south america is wearing them. or maybe they are bling blinging around the barrio in my old watch.

hmmm, I guess I can write my old pair of reefs off. those suckers are long gone, man. I sometimes wish she would straight up tell me that she's stealing my belongings and giving them away to charity. the least she could do is provide me with a receipt to get a tax exemption.


can't buy me love...

my ass!

strong proof that love can be quantified:

cell phone bills
ryno $3,300
n8 $750+ and $1,500+ back-to-back
leigh $1,100+

kinda makes my $400 bill look like the lone saturn in a parking lot full of bentleys, rovers, hummers, and ferrarris.

yeah, I suck

...more like shitty-shitty-bang-bang


yeah bitch! I got my now or later gators on...

today is one of those 'music makes me feel all giddy' days. beautiful day, good tunes, all that I need to complete the puzzle is the company of a pretty lady.

earlier, I was talking to someone about the death of elliott smith. the name didn't instantly ring a bell with said person, so I named two movies in which his songs were featured. nothing. as a last ditch effort I listed a few titles. then I got the 'oh, okay, I totally know who that is....'. sure thing, skippy. I L O V E people who like to take the bands that I listen to and pretend that they were down with them since day one. fuck off. well I been down since the way back, yo. I'm a real o.g. but anyway, I was telling him of the goodness of yo la tengo, elbow, titanica, two times one minus one plus one. if you are going to fake like you are hip to the indie rock, as I often do, you need to know about these cats. but seriously, I've never heard anything bad from any of these bands. along with guster, I must also highly recomend evan dando, kings of convenience and badly drawn boy. in order to spread the good word, I also recommended 'bedrock' by john digweed. I love to let people know about the good music.

oh yeah, so the macanudo bus rolled through houston today. I was all pumped to go when I first heard of this, but it turns out that they were for patrons who had previously registered online. there was much cursing and throwing of objects when I discovered this little tidbit of news.

I wasn't just upset that I wasn't going to make it to le tourbus. I was upset that I wouldn't get a chance to get my claws around some tasty robust sticks, which are only available during said gathering. I may not be a fan of macanudo, but free sticks are better than no sticks. when I heard that they would be handing out sampler boxes, I clamored at the chance to actually get one.

a'ight, that's it for now. I'll be spinnin' the g-unit piece and get em' dizzy


what day is today?

uhhhh, hmmm october?

if I wasted my tuesday, it would only be logical to waste my humpday as well. nothing aside from watching the rare wednesday football match on espn this evening. I may clean my room as well. so while I'll be on my knees pretending to be alice the maid, I'll be listening to the game in the background. and occassionally looking up from my maidon to check on the score.

truthfully, though, yesterday wasn't entirely wasted. it's not like I got home and sat in bed watching estrogen cinema on women's entertainment all night. I merely shirked my plans in favor of gettin' my nola travel on. only it took me two hours longer than I had budgeted for this activity. thanks dad! you may remember the crazy episode I had back in late may (look it up in the archives, you lazy bum). associated with getting too drunk the night before, my dad cancelling my trip, having to rebook at the last minute, sitting next to a recent divorcee...right any bells yet?

even the normally orgasm inducing activity of purchasing plane ducats wasn't enough to keep yesterday from sucking enough donkey testes to keep the world's burro scrotums moist through the next decade.

that's okay, I plan to make up for it this evening. at least pouring out my liquor for my dead hommie, elliott smith, should be six or nine times more amuzing than tearing up the house in search of an old confirmation number for two hours.

between the bars...


only the good die young...

elliott smith found dead in his apartment.


and people wonder why I get my shirts custom made

before going to the movies last night I had to run an errand for my dad. I walked into h.e.b. (herman e. butts its the name of the grocery store for you non-texan readers...I cannot make this up folks) and right away I spotted a guy wearing the same exact shirt as I was. for reasons that remain inexplicable to me even now, I turned around and left the store in a hurry. it's for the best I tell myself, I don't really need any more sushi and stag's leap merlot anyway.

I am metrosexual, hear me exfoliate.

...just wait until I unleash stanwear on you mere mortals. its going to be hotter than beanie babies, tickle me elmo, AND slap bracelets...combined!

fadie mctrendsetter


karma police...arrest this dude

I make fun of my dad's electric toothbrush, today it bites me in the ass. see kids, I go through toothbrushes faster than kobayashi through a tray of hot dogs. my last one was on its final leg, and my lazy ass finally decided to shelve it permanently.

I'm in the bathroom trying to jam my new toothbrush into the hole of the holder. it's not happening, but that doesn't stop me from trying harder. I'm working it like it just got a pedicure and its hair did. I put that thang down, flipped it and reversed it. then it hits me...it's just wrong. I feel like the toothpolice should bust in any minute and arrest me for attempted rape. I feel ashamed and stop. when did toothbrush handles get so bloody damn big? they used to be slim and they've exploded over the years into bloated grippers.


a toast to fate, serendipity, and the super natural...

a truly bizarre day indeed. no way all the stuff that transpired during the course of this day was a mere coincidence.

I celebrated this joyous day with a padron anniversario 1964 diplomatico and a pint glass of pumpkin ale.

in other news, stripperella calls for kfc boycott. she'll be happy to know that I had a chicken kiev for dinner. I tried to give it cpr, but that didn't work...so I just ate it.

what a joke. its not like the colonel is throwing the chickens alive into the deep fryers. look at red lobster. they chuck things alive into boiling water. lobsters, crabs, shrimp, mussels and clams. all alive.

as for me, I'd rather lick a piece of raw chicken than a skank like pamela anderson. at least salmonella goes away after a few trips to the can.

the hep c stays with you forever. just like a low self-esteemed gutter slut that doesn't stop calling you. but that's a whole 'nother post.


fate is indeed a cruel mistress...


young hands off to benson, aaaaand...nothinduan!

ok, that was my token brent musburger impersonation for the day...week...ok! year.

it's a good thing I'm not allergic to being bored. if such were the case, I'd be covered in hives by now.

somebody remind me not to visit a particular friend again unless I have something specific to do. his idea of a good time is sitting on the couch and watching tv all night until it's time to go to bed again. since none of my friends, at least the fun ones anyway, live in suckton anymore, this is what I get to do unless I can think of something better to do. it's sucks uber donkey testes, kids.

on the phone, I convinced sto that we needed to watch some game film and smoke some cigars. I left the house for almost two hours. it's almost too exciting.

when I get to his place, I watched him load laundry rather than going straight to the film. just when I was about to impale myself on the toilet paper towel dispenser out of sheer boredom, he decided to pop in the dvd into the player. he kept getting an error message, and swore it had worked earlier. whatever dude. I left and luckily some good shit was playing on the radio, it pacified me for a couple of minutes.

I hoped that by phoning some skirts something interesting would arise by the time I had reached the point of no return, but I was out of luck. when your humpday night consists of eating noodles drenched in soy sauce and watching 'jaime's kitchen' on the food network, it's time to do some social restructuring.

if I hadn't received my radiohead poster, today would have been a complete wash. I can hardly handle all this excitement.

a limited edition poster is commissioned for every radiohead show, but I've never gotten vip credentials to grab one. this time, however, I scored a completely unholy radiohead vintage wwii poster which will be framed and on my wall until I get totally broke and have to sell it on ebay. I'd sell my kidney there if they still allowed that sort of thing.

I suck


becoming too predictable...
its scary how well some of my friends know me. case in point: the bride-to-be picked out my hotel...which totally caters to a ballah like me/us

her: a. is in town staying at the W
me: oh really? what's he in town for?
her: he said it is VERY trendy
me: it is
her: his girlfriend had some work here
me: still dating that girl?
her: yeah...like, there are male contr. in the bathrooms, and there are candy machines in the rooms
me: condoms in the bathroom?
me: awesome!
her: yep

looks like I'll be making tons of prophylactic balloon animals for the kids that weekend,
stanzo the assclown


I need to just write...

about random stuff. so pull up a chair, relax, I feel like telling a story. stick around if you don't mind some cream in your jeans.

a tale of the pumpkin ale, pie...and even a pumpkin butt.

I was in central market the other day purchasing littleneck clams, jamon serrano, almond/jalapeƱo stuffed olives, etc. when I spotted it -- them. buffalo bill's pumpkin ale the seasonal beer to rule them all was being advertised but nowhere to be found on the beer shelf itself. the seasonal beer I was told I couldn't purchase because they weren't in stock. the seasonal beer that the sommelier finally agreed to pull from the back for me. the seasonal beer that I bought that day. I couldn't find a price on the box. of course, I wanted to find it wrongfully priced so that I could feel good about getting a bargain. I brought the sixer to the counter and asked for a price check. the clerk finally found the price burried deep within the central market price list matrix. I don't remember what the price was, but I think it was rock bottom low. because in my metrosexual excitement I took the sixer, swivelled to pull more from the back, and proceeded to knock a vase to the floor, shattering it. whoops!

sometimes I get an idea in my head and as hard as I try, I can't shake it. you may remember the getting thrown in jail to get back into shape idea from last year, and the custom made guayabera plan from a couple of months ago. now it's something completely new. I want to grow an enormous pumpkin. more accurately I want to grow an award winningly h u g e pumpkin. anything under nine hundred pounds will be considered a failure. I will not rest until a toothless man in east texas hands me a ribbon for my giant atlantic pumpkin. that's what they're called. I've been doing my research, motherfucker.

I understand there's a lot of competition out there (I have seen the miracle gro commercials, homeskillet), so what will give me my edge? soil? cattle pop? nutrients? yes, yes, and yes. but, I also have an ace up my sleeve. the seeds need to be 'stressed'. you see, if you stress the seeds, the weak seeds will die leaving you only with the strongest seeds and those are the ones you want to plant. survival of the fittest. so I'm sending my pumpkin seeds into space. all of the radio waves and cosmic isotopes will stress the seeds like no one has ever stressed seeds before! then, when my boy lance bass comes back down to earth with my uber bionic seeds, I'll plant them and grow a gourd the size of an suv. could you imaaaaagine how many case of pumpkin ale can be brewed out of that monster?

don't really wanna make it tough. I just wanna tell you that I had enough. might sound craziiiiee, but it ain't no lie. pumpkin pie pie pie,

p.s. I've drank a shit load of pumpkin ale these past few days. my liver is angry with me. angry like an old man in the soup line that tossed the shit back to the cook for being sub-standard.

p.p.s. all sooner chicks have pumpkin shaped butts...and they hate puppies. and jesus. ou still sucks.


fuck right off...

I've decided that texas longhorn football is bad for my health. it has repeatedly treated and slapped me around more than when I used to date really really really good looking sorority girls. tonight I feel as if I had just been told by my best friend that my girlfriend has been cheating on me...with a fat chick. now that I'm home, I gotta sit back with an adult beverage, a good cigar and reflect on the good times. when those twelve and a half seconds are up, I'll pick my candy ass up, and head to the nearest gin mill, and find a bar whore to stroke my ego. later I'll mock all the whipped guys there. then realize I am a misanthrope, and bask. ah, the highjinx that will ensure.

see you on monday...bitches.


liquid lunch...
is this a great state or what? good suds, good friends, separation saturday is tomorrow...eventhough I'm not in dallas yet the celebration has already started.

the beautiful, wonderful, cosmically celestial buffalo bill's pumpkin ale is here. I have a mouthful of it even as I type this. and now it slides lubricously down my throat .... ahhhhh.

if you have never tried, or are not willing to try this beer then you are just a waste of space.

el cervezero


f mcdonalds...

sole reason why I would move to california, is so I can eat in-n-out burgers instead of mcdogpuke. we have an awesome alternative: whataburger. aside from the fact that it takes them an eternity to cook up your burger, they have a knack for setting up shop in the most unaccessible places.

I have a distinct procedure for eating at mcdonalds. this has all been shot to hell because they are now serving their mcvariouschickenandperhapsotheranimalparts in paper bags instead of boxes.

in the old days, I would always order a number six...sometimes when feeling saucy I would order a number nine; supersized with a coke and two containers of barbeque sauce and two of honey to go. I should have seen it coming when they decided to charge the masses extra for sauce packets. the bag in which the meal comes is folded into a flat rectangle. this is used as the placemat. the box of mcvariouschickenandperhapsotheranimalparts is opened and placed on the bag. the six pieces are arranged in two neat columns of three. the sauces are opened one at a time. the lid is peeled off and placed face up on the top of the box. the one on the left is placed so that the text is right side up and the one on the right is placed so that the text is upside down. This is because the container on the right is for the french fries which are also placed on the left. the container on the right is for the McVCAPOAP. once the drink is placed in the correct position on the right, we are ready to roll.

I couldn't tell you why I started doing this, but I have been doing it for years. I get funny looks. high school friends used to buy me mcdonalds just to watch me eat and laugh. fuckers.

but now, since they are serving the McVCAPOAP in bags, my whole plan is foiled. I will never eat at McDonald's again.

thank you, you corporate fools.

disgruntled stan



in the land of cheese, manchego is head and shoulders above the rest. the nikki hilton of the degenerate socialite party scene, the lone thong is a granny panty filled drawer, a diamond surrounded by trash (thanks emmitt). this fact I've known for quite some time...now I'm glad that leigh is aware of the greatness of the 'chego.

your luna


breaking news....

where the fuck have I been?

halle splits from hubby. damn you halle berry, why must you torment me so. you know your heart belong to me. don't deny your destiny. come...sit on my face.

don't run away from your feelings!
tommy boy


the weather is here. wish you were beautiful

I feel like I should be writing something profund, seeing as how I'm going to be leaving you for a couple of days. I don't see this happening, however. I wouldn't want to break from the norm. nathan's bday is tomorrow night, him and his much better (and hotter, I might add) half will be in town tomorrow night, leaving for austin saturday at the butt crack in order to make it in time to hold my poster up for all the world, especially my cousin, to see while espn gameday is being filmed in austin.

allow me to be serious for a minute; if I have to explain to another person what espn college gameday is one more time I'm going to punch a hole in the wall. I guess I tend to befriend a lot of louts who don't know better. maybe I shouldn't be so quick tempered around them, if you think about it I could write a book from all of my observations. yes, what a fantastic idea! how to completely suck by stan. the intro would go a lil' something like this:

what does it take to be really bad at something? I'm not talking about mild incompetence or even entry level ineptitude. no, I'm talking about being so resolutely devoid of any taste, talent, skill or even basic sound judgement that an average passerby would stop to marvel at such a unique example of form and function working entirely against each other.

imagine a slightly less useful short bus ridding retard. that sort of thing.

obviously, incompetence is something a p.i.m.p. type like me has almost no experience with. this is why I decided to do a little research. to watch an utter suck in its living and working environment. in this book, reader, I will highlight the 10 kinds of god awful homo sucksapiens. after studying this fascinating tome, a few do's and don'ts for aspiring suck wannabes will emerge.

sorry, went off on a little tangent there. the greatness of radiohead; fowler, herbie & corso I guess the sucks I associate with were experiencing a bit of sensory overload being around me these past few days. I needed to vent a little.

anyway, I'm looking forward to this road trip. tailgating, boozing, a big game, mexican food and sleeping wherever you pass out that night -- this is the life.

but since I'm going to be gone, I'm not going to be able to update this. I plan on being pretty wasted, even if I were to stumble onto a computer I would maybe coerse some gibberish from the keyboard. I can, however, check my voicemail. send me messages so I know I'm loved. please.

if I have time I'm going to write down entries when I'm on the road and post them when I get home.

is that fuckin' dedication or what?

don't answer that question.

so I hope y'all have a fantastic weekend. I'll see you when I get back

traveling stan



to have my soul destroyed by radiohead and have it rebuilt by the power of their song. total dude's trip, but I wish some skirts would have come along as well. well at least my breasted friends like radiohead, I wish I could say this about other people who I've tried to introduce to the beauty of thom & co. co-workers, friends, and strangers few haven't been floored by the beauty of their music...I guess they'd rather fill their empty lives with top-40 radio and what not. sucks for them.

paranoid android